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عناوين بحوث تخرج طلبة اللغة الانكليزية 2017-2018

Research Title Name of Student Supervisor
1 Blended Learning


Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
2 EFL teachers` managements of learner-centered classes  

علي سعد حمزه

Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
3 College students use of metacognitive strategies in reading texts شيماء كامل


Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
4 Iraqi EFL college students use of communication strategies مروه سامي


Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
5 Developing EFL learners autonomy Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
6 The effect of EFL learners usage of mobile learning applications هدى نجم


Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
7 Learner- centered approach vs teacher- created approach Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
8 Nouns in English and Arabic Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
9 Difficulties facing EFL college students in using and recognizing articles. رسل علي عبد الحسين


Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
10 College students` difficulties in recognizing articles زهراء يوسف خضير


Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
11 College students` difficulties in recognizing and using relative clauses زينب يحيي


Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Kadhum Khudair
12 Tragic hero qualities in hamlet صابرين تركي


Mr.Ali AL kInani
13 The sufferings in “the tale of two cities” ساره علي خميس


Mr.Ali AL kInani
14 Love and women in hamlet حوراء محمد ضياء


Mr.Ali AL kInani
15 Negation in Arabic and English اسراء ناظم


Mr.Ali AL kInani
16 Verb phrase in Arabic and English زهراء خضير


Mr.Ali AL kInani
17 The qualifications of good teacher ورود فرحان


Mr.Ali AL kInani
18 Teaching literature for non-native speaker عذراء حسين


Mr.Ali AL kInani
19 The effect of experience on teaching سبا كريم


Mr.Ali AL kInani
20 Second language acquisition بتول عارف


Mr.Ali AL kInani
20 Dangling modifier Mr.Ali AL kInani
21 Elements of creative writing نور الزهراء عبد الكريم


Mr.Ali AL kInani
22 Writing skill علي كريم وادي


Mr.Ali AL kInani
23 Gender in Arabic and English نبا محمد محسن


Mr.Ali AL kInani
24 Ambiguity جعفر علي رحيم


Mr.Ali AL kInani
25 Markedness Mr.Ali AL kInani
26 Woman and society in George Eliot`s The mill on the floss. داليا عدنان


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
27 Controversial characters and situations in Shakespeare براق رعد


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
28 Heroism in T. S. Eliot`s murder in the cathedral and George Bernard shaw`s arms and the man فاطمه عمار عبد خليفه


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
29 Transformation in George Bernard shaw`s Pygmalion امنه ثائر


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
30 The role of adventure in revealing theme in ernest hemingway`s novels حوراء محسن-ص


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
31 Deceit in Shakespeare`s Othello and Richard II ايمان صاحب


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
32 Symbolism in selected poems of Ted Hughes زهراء وهاب


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
33 Conflict in jack London`s novels نبا محمدعبدالله


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
34 Fantasy in English children narratives: peter pan and alice in wonderland. جواد غانم


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
35 The image of the adult in English children narratives Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
36 The image of the native American in American fiction. رفل عبد الامير


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
37 Individualism in the poetry of Robert frost and Whitman Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
38 Segregation in modern south African poetry عباس غانم غافل


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
39 Victorian issues in the poetry of Alfred, lord Tennyson نور محمد محسن


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
40 The image of the outcast in English novel of the 19th century ابتهال جواد


Asst. Prof. Muthana Makki
41 Iraqi students` attitudes towards the use of technology in learning English. علي خالد نايف


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
42 A study of repetition in the holy Quran حمزه عادل


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
43 Feminine language in a literary work. رؤى مناضل


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
44 A study of body language in a literary work. جاسم يوسف


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
45 A study of persuasion in the Iraqi advertisements.in English جعفر علي – جعفر عليوي


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
46 A stylistic study of translation in the discourse of holy Quran Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
47 The role of culture in the comprehension of the four skills of language Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
48 The persuasive techniques in Arabic religious sermon.  

هاني خضير

Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
49 Semantic meaning vs pragmatic meaning in proverbs زهراء صالح عبد الهادي


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
50 A stylistic study of headlines in newspapers Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
51 Rhetorical question as a stylistic device in English religious sermons Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
52 Phonological markers as a stylistic device in English poetry رواء محمد


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
53 The impact of culture in secondary school students` comprehension of reading passages Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
54 Semantic ambiguity in English and Arabic advertisements: a comparative study Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
55 A study of persuasion in the Iraqi advertisements. زهراء عبدالجواد


Asst. Prof. Azhar Hassan
56 The use of (ed/ ing) participle in the OLD MAN AND THE SEA. Discourse analysis هاجر عبد علي


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
57 Confusing conjunctions in English زهراء منعم ناصر


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
58 Adverbs of frequency in English and Arabic فاطمه عبد النبي حسن


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
59 Nouns in English and Arabic زينب رسول حنون


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
60 Verb agreement and case in English and Arabic غفران عباس علي


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
61 Word-shortening in Arabic Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
62 A study of dialects in Iraq  

استبرق سعد

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
63 Subordination in English and Arabic  

فداء عبدالامير

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
64 Idioms in the oxford advanced learner`s dictionary حسين محمد قصي


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
65 Transitivity in English and Arabic نور الهدى محمد عبدالرزاق


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
66 Taboos in English and Arabic Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
67 Politeness in three short stories Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
68 Cleft sentences in English  

زينب علاء صاحب

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
69 Vocative in English and Arabic  

مريم علي كاظم

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
70 Volition in English and Arabic  

حيدر عباس

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein
71 Gender in English and Arabic  

نور الهدى حسن

72 Complex sentences as a stylistic device in john Osborn “look back in anger”
73 Style shift in john donne`s secular and religious poetry زهير عباس حسين


74 Investigating generic proposition through analysing generic reference (tense less, timeless, aspect less)
75 Lexical cohesion in some selected prose poems by Gibran Khalil Gibran دعاء صادق وادي


76 The treatment of Qur’anic lexical collocations in the English translations of the glorious Quran
77 Contrastive and comparative study of lexical collocations in English and Arabic بنين جليل رايح


78 Contrastive and comparative study of interviews in English and Arabic language
79 An assessment of sex difference study in communicative competence
80 Speech acting in moral teaching in Islamic prophetic traditions in Arabic and in the English version of the new testament: a contrastive study
81 Lexical signalling in dramatic texts
82 Syntactic semantic study of some English proverbs. Dr.Tawfiq
83 Analysis study of English headlines. Dr.Tawfiq
84 Difficulties faced students in the use of modifiers.


زهراء فاضل


85 Semantic Syntactic study of the word ‘ it ‘. اسماء جبار جهيد


86 The differences between pre and post position adjectives.


رغد تحسين


87 Difficulties faced students in the use of relative clause. جنان ابراهيم


88 Students’ ability in recognizing and producing ‘ –ing ‘ forms. زينب اياد


89 Comparative study of gender in Arabic and English. ابرار ميثم كريم


90 Studying types of sentences in some English poems. مريم كريم ساجت


91 Syntactic semantic study of apposition in English. Dr.Tawfiq
92 Difficulties faced students in the use of English adverbs.


فاطمه محمد امين Dr.Tawfiq
93 The impact of borrowing from English into Arabic.  

ريا وفي جليل

94 Difficulties in translating religious terms from Arabic into English.  

حسنين علاء حسين

95 Comparative study of reduplicated words between English and Arabic.  

زهراء محمد غثيث

96 Difficulties faced students in the use of some passive voice like ‘ got’. حنين ابراهيم


97 implicit connectivity in English and Arabic: a contrastive study


98 The difficulties of using synonymous verbs by EFL Learners


99 Deictic expressions in English, Arabic: a  contrastive study
100 Conversation analysis of the internet relay chat
101 A study of non-finite clauses in William Golding’s novels انوار عوده


102 The difficulties encountered by Iraqi EFL Learners in comprehending
103 The pragmatics of proverbial expressions
104 Relevance in children`s English and Arabic short stories: a contrastive study
105 News stories in English and Arabic: a contrastive tagmemic discourse analysis سامر دوهان


106 A morpho-syntactic and lexical analysis of proper nouns in standard Arabic address forms in English and Arabic: a contrastive study
107 The expression of indefiniteness in English and Arabic: a contrastive study
108 The adverse effect of the scientific quest in selected science fiction novels نور حسين شلاكه


109 Adverbs of manner in English and Arabic شفاء شاكر


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
110 Non-finite verbs that act as an adjective and adverb فاطمه حسين


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
111 The use if infinitive in some selected poems طيبه كامل


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
112 The characteristics of grammatical metaphors with reference to dickens` great expectations هدى احمد محسن


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
113 Function and forms of some functional words رقيه سعد


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
114 The placement of stress on complex words with suffixes مريم حسين


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
115 The stress placement in three-syllable words سولف راشد


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
116 Function of modal auxiliary verbs زينب صادق


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
117 The importance of using weak forms in connected speech Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
118 Problems in phonemic analysis Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
119 Manner and place of articulations of alveolar plosives and fricatives علياء فاضا ثابت


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
120 Received pronunciation versus rhotic accent Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
121 The grammatical functions of intonation ضحى سالم


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
122 The differences between phone, phoneme and allophone مريم سعد حمزه


Dr. Nidaa Hussein Fahmi
123 Immigration and identity in Nelson Algren works.



ايه باسم

124 Horror of travelling in Isabel Allende works.


ضحى عبد الامير


125 Exile and social Problems in Jorge Amado Works.



رسل علي حسين

126 History and Folk Myth in Ayi Kwei Armah.



افنان قاسم

127 The use of religious symbols in T. S. Eliot`s poetry



دانيا فارس شجاع

128 The use of letters as a tool to develop characters and plot in some of Shakespeare’s plays.



بنين حميد عويز

129 War and politics in Robert Brooke`s poetry.



محمد فاضل

130 The Development of Hamlet`s character through his soliloquies



دعاء كامل


Female characters as cultural symptoms  in THE HOUSE ON THE MANGO STREET



حنين عبد الرزاق


The importance of minor characters in TWELFTH NIGHT and HAMLET


133 The Arabs in the American literature after 11-9.


عبيرعبدالله حسين DHIYA KHALEEL
134 The role of the mother between hamlet and sons and lovers.


نبا عبد الحسين DHIYA KHALEEL


فاطمه نجم عبد DHIYA KHALEEL
136 The use of nature scenes in some modern novels.


137 The Marxist implications in sons and lovers.


زينب قاسم عبد الرسول DHIYA KHALEEL
138 Social inequality in some of Shakespeare`s plays.


ميس باسم خليل DHIYA KHALEEL
139 The use of phrasal verbs in spoken and written discourse  

لفاء حسن

Dr. Raith
140 The self and the other in Bush`s political speeches Dr. Raith
141 Integrating critical thinking in classroom pedagogy Dr. Raith
145 How human language is uniquely different from animal communication systems? ايات فلاح Dr. Raith
146 Transitivity structures in bush`s political speeches Dr. Raith
147 The use of metaphors in representing refugees حنان كامل محمد


Dr. Raith
148 Code-mixing in the language of weblogs  

ماهر حسين محمد

Dr. Raith
149 The use of multilitracies approach in the ESL classroom Dr. Raith
150 The language production of people with Broca`s and Wernicke`s aphasia محمد راسم


Dr. Raith
151 Critical age hypothesis and brain lateralisation ملوك ناصر


Dr. Raith
152 Using post colonialism in understanding Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe منتظر حامد


Dr. Raith
153 Representing the Japanese other in Agnes Newton`s Three Came Home زينب خليل حيدر


Dr. Raith
154 Language and gender نور محمد جواد


Dr. Raith
155 Representing IDPs in Reuters Dr. Raith
156 A critical discourse analysis of trump`s inaugural speech نور محمد عبد مهدي


Dr. Raith
157 The theme of love in Shakespeare`s Romeo and Juliet زهراء مسلم


Mr. Husam Talib
158 The use of symbolism in Samuel Becket Waiting for Godot سجى محمد حسن


Mr. Husam Talib
159 The image of women in D h Lawrence`s selected poems and sons and lovers حوراء ناصر Mr. Husam Talib
160 Theme of revenge in hamlet  

شهد حسام مرزا

Mr. Husam Talib
161 Dr Faustus as a morality play داليا قيس


Mr. Husam Talib
162 The image of woman in Walt Whitman’s leaves of the grass  

شهد احمد كاظم

Mr. Husam Talib
163 Suffering and growth in selected poems of Emily Dickinson حسن محمد حسين


Mr. Husam Talib
164 The theme of exile in the old man and the sea حنين صلاح


Mr. Husam Talib
165 Feminism in Kate Chopin’s short stories سجى حمود


Mr. Husam Talib
166 Sin and punishment in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s scarlet letter فرح قيس


Mr. Husam Talib
167 Capitalism in death of a salesman دعاء جابر


Mr. Husam Talib
168 Mother courage and her children as an anti-war رحيم دهري


Mr. Husam Talib
169 The honesty in Shakespeare`s Othello and Hamlet ايات محمود


Mr. Husam Talib
The romantic elements in Wordsworth poetry Mr. Husam Talib
The impact of environment in Emily Bronte `s wuthering heights Mr. Husam Talib
The image of woman in waltwhitman`s leaves of the grass Mr. Husam Talib
Twelfth night: the mistaken identities Mr. Husam Talib
Industrialism in Charles dickens hard times Mr. Husam Talib
The theme of marriage in Shakespeare`s selected plays Mr. Husam Talib
Corruption in Shakespeare`s hamlet Mr. Husam Talib
The image of loss in Arthur miller`s death of a salesman Mr. Husam Talib
The impact of human relationships in pride and prejudice يسر صباح Mr. Husam Talib
170 The effect of industrialisation and modernism on yank in o`neil`s the hairy ape
171 Typology of swearing Dr. Muyyad
172 Typology of request سجى خالد


Dr. Muyyad
173 Code switching among the teaching staff of the department of English at kerbala university Dr. Muyyad
174 Non verbal communication in the bible تبارك حمزه


Dr. Muyyad
175 Non verbal signals in the stage directions in selected plays ساره قاسم فارس


Dr. Muyyad
176 Text generation in business emails دعاء سعدون


Dr. Muyyad
177 Collocation in news stories and editorials جنان ابراهيم


Dr. Muyyad
178 Vocabulary for sizes in food and drink ساره حيدر


Dr. Muyyad
179 How does recipe language differ across two languages that you know? Are there similarities in words, grammar, structure? Differences? Dr. Muyyad
180 Semantic study of some cooking verbs in English Dr. Muyyad
181 How does the advertising language use request speech act? Dr. Muyyad
182 The effect of non verbal signals in understanding staff`s lectures. Non verbal signals in classroom settings. Dr. Muyyad
183 The use of phrasal verbs in advertisement نور الهدى حسام الدين


Dr. Muyyad
184 Openings and closing of emails كوثر احمد عبد زيد


Dr. Muyyad
Conjuncts in English فاطمه هادي Dr. Muyyad
Opening and closing in business and personal letters هدى مهدي Dr. Muyyad
185 The role of modern technology in achieving communication in English classes هبة الله حسن


186 Literariness in literature رسل رحيم


Mr. Muslim
187 A study on the major themes in Hemingway’s works سبا مكي جابر


Mr. Muslim
188 A review on the characteristics of Victorian age غفران عبدالامير


Mr. Muslim
189 Isolation as an aspect of modern era زينب علاء احمد


Mr. Muslim
190 The works of Edgar Allen Poe as a detective fiction علياء ناجح


Mr. Muslim
191 The power of female characters in Victorian literature ازهار عماد


Mr. Muslim
192 The use of religious allusion in the old man and the sea علي رزاق


Mr. Muslim
193 Masculine domination in the old man and the sea رغد عباس


Mr. Muslim
194 Emergence of feminism as a literary movement نور عبدالله


Mr. Muslim
195 Stylistic analysis of the happy prince فرح فاضل


Mr. Muslim
196 A study on the use of gothic elements in the black cat خلاص سجودي


Mr. Muslim
197 Psychoanalytic view on the postcolonial literature حوراء مسلم


Mr. Muslim
198 Subjective and objective themes in the old man and the sea نور انور


Mr. Muslim
199 British society in Oscar Wilde`s works اكرم حيدر


Mr. Muslim
200 A review on the characteristics of modern literature ايه قيس كاظم


Mr. Muslim
201 Fake religion in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s scarlet letter زهراء جواد


Mr. Azher Muhamad
202 Theme of war in Hemingway`s farewell arms صفاء كاظم حمود


Mr. Azher Muhamad
203 The outsider in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s scarlet letter رسل محمد محسن


Mr. Azher Muhamad
204 Power of masculinity in Shakespeare`s hamlet غفران عطيه علوان


Mr. Azher Muhamad
205 Authority in George orwell`s animal farm سلسل عباس


Mr. Azher Muhamad
206 Supernatural elements in the romantic poetry هدى علي عريبي


Mr. Azher Muhamad
207 Theme of accepting the death in Tennyson’s crossing the bar زهراء فاخر


Mr. Azher Muhamad
208 Mortality and happiness in keats` ode to the nightingale زينه هيثم


Mr. Azher Muhamad
209 Authority and Unitarianism in Charles dickens hard times فاطمه محمد قاسم


Mr. Azher Muhamad
210 Sexual attitudes and negative results in D H Lawrence`s sons and lovers هلا خضير


Mr. Azher Muhamad
211 Images of nature in s t Coleridge`s kubla khan غدير نومان


Mr. Azher Muhamad
212 Suffering of the poor people in dickens hard times حوراء عزيز


Mr. Azher Muhamad
213 Outcast character in scarlet letter نور محمد جريو


Mr. Azher Muhamad
214 Psychological conflict of the main characters in Virginia Woolf`s “ Mrs. Dalloway” اسراء جبار


Mr. Azher Muhamad
215 Fantasy in J R R Tolkien`s “ the lord of the rings” غفران غسان


Mr. Azher Muhamad
216 Self confidence in Hemingway’s the old man and the sea مرتضى علي عطيه


Mr. Azher Muhamad
217 Totalitarianism in George Orwell’s 1984 زينب نواف


218   The Coexistence of good and evil in To Kill a Mockingbird. بنين خالد


219 Imperialism in A Passage to India هبة عباس


220    The Romanticization of Childhood in William Blake’s The Song of Innocence علا ابراهيم


221 Beowulf as a Classical Epic Poem هدى خليف


222   Allegory in George Orwell’s Animal Farm سرى حسن فاخر


223 Poverty in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist نورالزهراء محسن


224 A Religious Analysis of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick رمله لبيب


225 Hypocrisy in Christopher Marlow’s The Jew of Malta سيف علي


226 Hybridity in The Last of the Mohicans زينب حسين عبد


227 Religion and Aesthetics in Oscar Wilde’s Selected poems حوراء ستار


228 Poverty in relation to Marriage in Pride and Prejudice محمد ابراهيم


229 Stylistic Foregrounding in The Happy Prince علي حسين عبد جبر


230 Fahrenheit 451 as a Dystopian Fiction ايات وليد


231 Linguistic Deviation  In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet حسين كاظم


232 Ideal Romance in Edgar Poe’s Annabel Lee and The Raven هدى علي هاشم


233 Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story as an Absurd Play بشرى محمد حسين


234 Authority in Shakespeare’s play King Lear منير اياد عدنان


235 Symbolism in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun also Rises رقيه محسن حمادي


236 The theme of war in Arms and the Man غدير رافع


237 Phrasal verbs in some selected political texts


امجد كريم
238 A pragmatic analysis of the speech act of urging
239 Condoling in English and Arabic
240 Speech Act of Promising among Iraqi students
241 Communicative  approach  

نورالهدى احمد

242 l-sound (from phonetic and phonological point of view ) زهراء سليم بديوي


243 Difficulties faced by second language learners in using collocations


ساره فلاح حسن
244 Invitation in English and Arabic  

ليث رحيم عبد الحسين

245 Obligation in some selected political texts
246 A pragmatic analysis of the speech act of swearing in English


247 Topiclization in English and Arabic
248 Difficulties faced by second language learners at English in using non- punctuation marks

Coherence and Cohesion in Academic Writing


عبد العزيز غالب

Difficulties faced by second language learners in using definite and indefinite  articles


Investigating the difficulties faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in using existential sentences.

ذوالفقار خضير صكبان Ms. Zahraa

Investigating the difficulties faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in using cleft sentences

Ms. Zahraa

Investigating the difficulties faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in using comparative clauses

صفاف غني Ms. Zahraa

Investigating the difficulties faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in using result clauses

Ms. Zahraa

Investigating the difficulties faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in using phrasal verbs

Ms. Zahraa

Investigating the difficulties faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in using collocation

Ms. Zahraa

A syntactic study of the subjunctive mood


امنه عبدالزهره مراد


Ms. Zahraa

A syntactic study of zero phenomenon

Ms. Zahraa

A syntactic study of supplementive adjective clauses

Ms. Zahraa

A syntactic study of reduction phenomenon

Ms. Zahraa

A syntactic study of adjuncts


سميه مجيد وحيد

Ms. Zahraa

A pragmatic study of the speech act of threatening in English

Ms. Zahraa

A pragmatic study of the speech act of thanking in English

Ms. Zahraa

A pragmatic study of the speech act of suggestion in English

Ms. Zahraa


Suffering of the human in waiting for godot

غيداء عدنان Mr. Azher Muhamad


Symbolism and its role in clarifying themes in john Keats`Poetry

 احمد حسين Mr. Azher Muhamad


Supernatural Elements in Coleridge`s Poetry

سيماء حماده Mr. Azher Muhamad


Fantasy in J.R.R. “The lord of the rings”

غفران غسان Mr. Azher Muhamad


Adventure, human desire against the ring in “the lord of the rings”

نبراس حميد Mr. Azher Muhamad


Theme of love and loneliness in Lucy poems

انوار شاكر Mr. Azher Muhamad

The character of Heathcliff as a lover in wuthering heights


رنا علاء

Mr. Azher Muhamad

Stream of consciousness and flash back technique in miller`s death of a salesman

شهد كريم Mr. Azher Muhamad


Hard times: a satire of society

زهراء محمد جعفر Mr. Muslim


The influence of religion on literature

ايات صاحب Mr. Muslim


A study of the impact of the renaissance on English literature

سجى شاكر Mr. Muslim


The impact of the French revolution on English literature

فاطمه محمد عباس Mr. Muslim


Feminism as a literary movement

ايناس محمد Mr. Muslim


The influence of earnest Hemmingway on the American literature

علي كريم شمخي Mr. Muslim


The role of modern technology in English classes

Mr. Muslim
Home and school influence on academic achievements                         Dr. Muhsin
Dr. Muhsin
Developing learners through using the internet. Teacher`s views concerning learning an EFL Dr. Muhsin
The impact of merging technology with learning on learning a foreign language Dr. Muhsin
Classroom interaction in dialogue teaching Dr. Muhsin
Teacher-student interaction; measuring teacher effectiveness and its influence on learning an EFL Dr. Muhsin
The influence of corrective feedback (oral and written) on learners of EFL Dr. Muhsin
Stylistic devices in hemingway`s short stories Dr. Muhsin
Mind map strategy in teaching simple present in English language
Female writers in English literature
A study of Victorian literature ايات علي عبد الحسين Mr. Muhamad
Shakespeare`s tragic heroes زهراء احمد جواد Mr. Muhamad
Presentation of women in literature ضحى رياض Mr. Muhamad
Alice in wonderland as a fantasy literature اسيل فاضل عباس Mr. Muhamad
Shakespeare contributions to English literature Mr. Muhamad
The age of jazz and its influence on American literature Mr. Muhamad
Gothic novel emergence Mr. Muhamad
‘’billy bud” critical study Mr. Muhamad
Contemporary American novel Mr. Muhamad
Love and death in American novel “ scarlet letter, Moby dick, huckleberry finn” Mr. Muhamad
Detective fiction Mr. Muhamad
A study of Edgar Allen Poe and his gothic writing Mr. Muhamad
The emergence of romanticism literature Mr. Muhamad
American dream influence on literature Mr. Muhamad
Symbolic usage of the image of plants and animals in sons and lovers by D H Lawrence Mr. Muhamad
Analization of religion in the poetry of john donne Mr. Muhamad
Great Gatsby and the concept of American dream Mr. Muhamad
Shakespeare plays and the concept of conspiracy and revenge Mr. Muhamad
Jane Austin novel “Emma” as representative of woman Mr. Muhamad
Male-female differences in using language in some selected literary texts Mr. Munaf
The process of word formation in scientific texts Mr. Munaf
The use of pun in Shakespeare`s works Mr. Munaf
Hyperbole and litotes in a absurd theatre Mr. Munaf
The use of presupposition in selected literary texts Mr. Munaf
Illocutionary and PR elocutionary verbs in some selected literary texts Mr. Munaf
Solidarity and intimacy in Dickens’s works Mr. Munaf
The use of euphemism in literary language Mr. Munaf
Simple and complex verb phrases in scientific and literary texts Mr. Munaf
Descriptive adjectives in literary and scientific texts Mr. Munaf
Elliptical sentences in dialogue Mr. Munaf
Pragmatic meaning in newspaper headlines Mr. Munaf
Semantic roles of adverbial clauses in language of politics Mr. Munaf
Features of black English in speech and writing Mr. Munaf
The use of politeness in letter writing Mr. Munaf
Code switching in teaching Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Abstract and concrete nouns in two short stories Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Connotative meaning in English and Arabic poetic lines Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Preferentiality and identity in literary text Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Borrowing Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Form and meaning of the suffix –ize Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Diglossia (which institutions are grouped under HL and which ——) Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Code switching in literary texts Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Facial expressions in different cultures Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Cultural influences on facial expressions Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Underuse of phrasal verbs in written texts Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Semantic relations in two short stories Mrs. Wasen Nuri
Gender in English and Arabic: A Contrastive study Azhar Hassan
Stylistic persuasive markers in English political discourse Azhar Hassan
Status of female characters in pride and prejudice Mr. Amjed
Narrative techniques used in pride and prejudice Mr. Amjed
Feminism in pride and prejudice Mr. Amjed
Macbeth as a typical Shakespearean tragedy Mr. Amjed
The treatment of the supernatural in s t Coleridge`s poems Mr. Amjed
Preface to lyrical ballads vs. biographia literaria Mr. Amjed
Religious poetry of john donne Mr. Amjed
The poet and poetry in the preface to lyrical ballads Mr. Amjed
Tennyson`s poetry as a mirror to the Victorian age Mr. Amjed
Defamiliarization in literature Mr. Amjed
Waiting for godot as an absurd play Mr. Amjed
Reality vs. illusion in death of a salesman Mr. Amjed
New historicism approach on king lear Mr. Amjed
Robert browning and the dramatic monologue Mr. Amjed
Romantic and comic elements in twelfth night Mr. Amjed
Elegiac note in Arnold`s poetry سجى طالب جواد Mr. Amjed
John keats as an escapist and romantic poet Mr. Amjed
Symbolism in blake`s animal poems Mr. Amjed
Gender inequality in A room of one`s own Mr. Amjed
Theme of usurpation in The tempest Mr. Amjed



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