A paragraph has three parts: a topic sentence, several supporting sentences, and a concluding
A paragraph has three parts: a topic sentence, several supporting sentences, and a concluding
By: Fatima Hadi Salih
The topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It has two parts: a topic and a controlling idea. The topic names the subject of the paragraph. ln our model, the topic is Hawaiian weddings. The controlling idea tells what the paragraph will say about the topic. It is called the controlling idea because it controls or limits the topic to a very specific point or points. In our model, the controlling idea is that weddings in Hawaii are special because of the mix of cultures.
E.g.: Digital cameras have several advantages over film cameras.
Supporting sentences explain the topic by giving more information about it. Supporting point sentences list the main points of the paragraph.
E.g.: Other customs included in the festivities depend on the ethnic backgrounds of the couple
Examples illustrate the supporting point sentences. Examples are good support because they are specific; they make your meaning very clear.
E.g.: For example, the bride often wears a long white holoku (wedding dress), and the groom wears a long-sleeved white shirt and pants with a red sash around his waist.
E.g.: For instance, there may be noisy firecrackers, a Chinese way of keeping bad spirits away.
E.g.: he bride’s lei is traditionally made of white flowers such as pikake (jasmine), and the groom’s is made of green maile leaves.
A concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph and reminds the reader of the main idea.1 Here are three tips to help you write a good concluding sentence:
1 . Begin with a conclusion signal. Most conclusion signals have commas after them; others do not.
E.g.: To summarize, Japanese food is both beautiful to look at and delicious to eat. Indeed, many U.S. cities and regions have a special food for everyone to enjoy.
Remind your reader of the main idea by one of the following methods ..
Repeat the idea in the topic sentence in different words. Do not just copy ·
the topic sentence: Successful bidding on eBay requires patience and strategy.
Concluding sentences: In conclusion, wait patiently and place your bid with precision timing, and you will be the winning bidder every time.
Summarize the main point or points of the paragraph.
In conclusion, follow the steps I have outlined, and you will be the winning bidder every time.
NEVER end a paragraph by introducing a new idea!
X In conclusion, you can spend a lot of money on eBay.