Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
Name: Sabah Wajid Ali
Academic Title: Professor as of 2015
Email address: sabah.w@uokerbala.edu.iq
I am an enthusiastic and dedicated person, who enjoys being part of, as well as leading, a successful and productive team. I am reliable, always deliver on time and thrive on completing a job to its specification. I am quick to grasp new ideas and concepts and able to develop innovative and creative solutions to problems. I am well motivated and organised and can work well on my own initiative. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and can communicate concisely at all levels
I have a diverse professional background with educational qualifications in Instruction, Research, management and Interpretation through years of experience in academic institutions as well as international CSOs and NGOs.
2001 – 2005 Baghdad University, Iraq
PhD, Literature– Postmodern Criticism. Department of Linguistics
and English Language-College of Arts. Research topic:
Subjective Criticism and the Different Manifestations of the “Self” in Some Major Post-Modern Critical Trends.
1996 – 1999 Al-Mustansiriya University, Iraq
MA, English Literature. Department of English .College of Arts. Research topic: Socio-Political Ills in Selected Plays by Edward Bond
1993 – 1988 Al-Mustansiriya University, Iraq.
BA (HONs). English Language and Literature. Department of English.
1988-1988 Kerbala High School
2001- Kerbala University, Iraq
Taught a number of English Language courses to Literature
Positions Held
Dean of the Faculty of Education for the Humanities
Chair of the Department of English-Faculty of Education for the Humanities
Iraqi Cultural Attaché Associate to Canada (Ottawa)
- 2014-2015
- Chair of the Department of English-Faculty of Education for the Humanities
- Pro-Vice-President(International)
2007 – 2008
Seton Hall University, United States of America, Adjunct Professor
Teaching English Drama at the Department of English. The lecturer’s
responsibility was to raise learners’ proficiency and mastery in English Drama.
Teaching Arabic for 4th year students at the School of Diplomacy which is affiliated with the department of Asian Studies
Duties included:
- Writing placement tests
- Managing course review sessions
- Setting pre-requisite criteria for each module & conducting individual and group tutorials.
- Vice-President for Scientific Affairs
- Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs-faculty of Education
1999 – 1998 UAE, Dubai
Teaching English- UAE. – Dubai International Private School in Garhood-
Ber Deira.
- Good communication skills gained from keeping abreast with the best international academic institutions and Universities and dealing with them tactfully and diplomatically.
- Ability to speak in public and deliver informative and present ideas with no hesitation or shyness.
- I have been leading my University’s negotiations with many international Universities including ( Leicester University, DE Montfort University, Cardiff University (UK) , Oklahoma University (USA), Université Caen Basse Normandie- France, Moscow University, Voronezh State University, Saratov State University, Petersburg State University (Russia), University of Life Sciences, University of Chemistry, South Bohemia University, and Burno University(Zech Republic).
- Very persuasive and always well presented.
Team Work
- Experience gained from various roles of employment made it possible for me not only participate in teamwork but rather manage and organise teamwork in the most efficient possible way.
- Experience of working within a team-based culture involved planning, organisation, co-ordination and commitment.
- Arabic(Native), English (Fluent), French (V. Good), German (medium) developed through a professional career
Other Activities Research
“Sarcasm as Postcolonial Dialogue: Bloggers, Cultural
Hegemony and Resistance”. Published in Culture and
Dialogue, Brill, 2019
“Defamiliarization: Perception as an Aesthetic End: A Study of John
Donne’s Poetry”. Published in Babil University Journal.
“Animal Imagery in the Poetry of Edwin Muir”. Published in Babil
University Journal.
“The Identity Problematic in the Poetry of Langston Hughes”. Published
in Kerbala University Journal.
“The Ambivalence of Materialism and Sanctity in James Baldwin’s Go Tell it on the Mountain. Published in Babil University Journal, 2010.
“Hamlet: an Existential approach”. Published in al-Bahith Journal. College of Education. Kerbala University
” Religion in Mother Courage and Her Children: A Marxist Perspective”. Published in Ahlul-Bait University.
” Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye: A Cultural Materialistic Approach”
“The Digital poetry of jason Nelson; Aesthetics of Textual Noise”. Published in al-Bahith Journal.College of education.Kerbala University
- “Education In Iraq: The Obstacles and Horizons” MA. Germany. 2013.
- “The Metamorphosis in Kafka and Tolkien” MA. Lebanon. 2014.
- “The Theme of Alienation in Brecht and Bond” MA. Lebanon.2014.
- “The Poems of D.H. Lawrence: A Critical Study” MA. Turkey. 2014.
Discussions of Ph.D. Dissertations and M.A. Theses
- “Anxiety and Complexities of Existence in Selected Postmodern American Plays” Ph.D. in English Literature. Iraq. 2014
- “Child Literature in English Literature” Ph.D. in English Literature. Iraq. 2014
- “The Bildungsroman of Ali Badr and Cunningham” MA. In English Literature. Iraq. 2014
- “Racial Discrimination as Reflected in August Wilson’s Plays” MA. In English Literature. Iraq. 2011
1-“Reader-response Theory of Stanly Fish” by Chris Lang. Trans. Dr.Sabah Wajid Ali.Published in Al-Mutamar Newspaper,Sat.19/Jul./03.
2-An essay entitled ” The Hermeneutics of Gadameer: on the Interpretations of Discourse import” by Dr.Sabah Wajid Ali, published in Al-Mutamar 13/May/05
3-A translation of an essay ” Terrorism: The Arab Media Coverage of Terrorism” By Dr.Muhammad Al-Nawawi.Published by Al-Furat Cultural Center June/05.www.fcdrs.com.
4-An article entitled ” Edward Said: The Journey Inside” published in Karbala University Paper, 15/Feb./06.
5-A translation “Arab Science and the Western World”. Published in Al-Sawati’ Monthly magazine, first issue June/06
6-A translation of an essay by Vaclav Havel “The Necessity of Transcendence in the Postmodern World” published in Al-Asda’ Cultural Magazine Feb/04.
7-A published coverage of the activities of the ICSP.(Iraqi Civil Society Program) in Al-Hiwar paper issued in Babylon 1/Sept./05.
8-“ Political Influences Anticipating Romanticism”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
9- “The Emergence of Nationalist States in Europe: Germany as an Example”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
10- “The Socio-Political Scene of post WWII Britain. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
11- “The Post-WWII Theatrical Scene in England”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
12- “Postmodernism:-a Subjective Sphere”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
13- “Understanding Marxism”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
14- “Feminist Criticism: The Gender self”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
15- “On Violence”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
16- “Violence in Edward Bond’s Plays”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
17- “Brecht and Bond: The Emergence of the Epic Theatre. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
18- “The Influence of Arab Moslem Thinkers on the West: Putting West Europe on Track”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
19- “The Martyrdom of Al-Imam Al-Hussein and the Symbolism of Universal Freedom”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
20- “Poets and Painters”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
21- “The Holy Quran and Christianity”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
22- Stories of the Brick Plant. A short story. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspaper.
23- “Formalist Criticism”. An essay published in the Kerbala University Newspapesr.
Conferences & Seminars
Key Cultural Texts. Translation Network. Research Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies (RTISt), University of Leicester. UK. (26-28 October 2012).TESOL Iraq. A Seminar held at the Green Zone.2011. AGI (Access-Germany Iraq) seminar with Dr. Katja Petereit, Chairperson of AGI. Bonn, Germany October-2015 |
Certifications and Memberships
As a department chair, I served as the lead teacher in the implementation of curriculum and instructional practices that resulted in exceptional student achievement and teaching. With the support of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, I was responsible for targeted professional development and assisted in the research and implementation of best practices in curriculum and instruction, and worked collaboratively with my colleagues. I also assisted teams in modifying and differentiating to meet the needs of the individual learner. I Assisted in teacher training and met with teachers regularly. I recommended and assisted with the implementation of methodologies and practices that lead to high student engagement and achievement. I Oriented teachers and provided ongoing professional development for assigned teachers. I observed, mentored, and held accountable assigned teachers regarding best practices in instruction