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Conditional Style in the Mentioned Speeches in “ Thewab AlA’mal” Book by Sheikh Sedouq ( died 381 H.): A Syntactic Study

      The grammatical research is not considered in its cradle, rather it reached its highest rank. Sheikh Sedouq was prominent in his time concerning narration of speech about Imams ( p.b.u.t.) reaching to the Prophet Mohammed( p.b.u.h.), for he was in the middle of three trusted narrative Mohammeds.
       The book ‘ Thewab Al a’mal’ has not been searched before except by me. Thus, the researcher tried hard to state it as possible, looking at the speeches of grammar, interpretation, and rhetoric scholars depending on the context in which the conditional devices were mentioned.
      The first section defines the conditional devices, the second section was about the letter apocopative conditional devices, and the third section was about the nominal apocopative conditional devices. 
      The second chapter dealt with the non- apocopative condition which is divided into two sections. The first section discussed the denial conditional devices, the second section stated the non-denial conditional devices.
    The third chapter described the two real verbs conditional, the apodosis, and the syndesis, as well as the images of the two verbs and their conjunction.
   The study reach a number of results and the most prominent ones were the following:
  1. It is required to have ‘ Fa ‘ in the apodosis. Through the research, it is stated that it appears in the nominal sentence and others in the apodosis places where ‘ fa ‘ is not mentioned.
 2. The condition existed from committing and connecting in various positions, when it is said that is used in the reasoning contract then it is a mistake.
  3. There was not a clear methodology or a certain procedure for dividing the conditional devices. So, I divided the relying on meaning and the other on work, while the third on its literal construction.
  4. Some attributed the dominance of ‘ fa ‘ as the conditional due to literary rather than other

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