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Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (p.b.u.t.) and Prophet’s Immigration (p.b.u.t.)

The following results were drawn:
 1. Creating the devil in Dar Al Nedwa, the cave spider, the two pigeons, and the presence in the bodies of biographies and history books remained as a narrative heritage for these texts were written in the great authors’ books; that’s why these texts cannot be touched or to be discussed. This made society give them a sort of holiness for the books and their authors. So, re-reading events of biography scientifically and away from tendencies and religious sectarian to be a clear material and empty from controversies for the coming generations.
 2. When we recall the huge account of the immigration narratives, we noticed fabricating The narrators of Abi Bekr’s virtues and to his sons in the immigration events particularly in the cave to be equal to the one of Imam AliI represented by sleeping in the prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) bed.
 3. Destroying pagans included destroying the grand pagan of Quraish in the immigration night and some others, for they were 360 where there was not enough time to deconstruct all.
 4. Through the research, it is stated that some narratives and Hadiths had aspersion And insult to the prophet ( p.b.u.h.) which were interpreted to the benefit of Abi Bekr that contrast to the fact and reality.
 5. There is the contrast among the prophethood biography narratives and Abi Bekr cave which confused the historical texts, especially those interested in his journey in the cave.
The narrators tried, through their narrative storytelling to make the personality of Abi Bekr a pivotal character in the immigration and has clear activity in the service of the Prophet ( p.b.u.h.)  in his immigration.
  6. The beginning of the establishment of the narrative tissue in the Prophethood immigration narratives were issued by an order of Muaywiyah’s and those who followed him.
  7. The narrators, in their narrations of Imam Ali’s immigration were guided by their desires and political business and did not discover the reality of his explicit immigration.

  1. The study showed the presence of practitioner liars fabricators in conveying false news in distorting the prophethood biography events in general and the prophethood immigration events in particular. 
  2. The study also stated that the oral writing of a prophethood biography was one of the most dangerous stages when it relied on the oral in conveying the news. This led to the independence of historians of that period and foisting of the false news and narratives which were adopted by one generation after the other. This matter confused the historian books authors including most types of authorization when conveying news of the prophethood biography.   
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