Imagining is a mental construction and intellectual production in the first degree, that is, not material production . A person who imagines has a mental production and not a material one, so this person has a huge ability to call the pent -up and restore the alleged reality
Considering that the narration depends on imagination and the novel has a a color that is not satisfied with silence because it always searches for the enlightenment mechanisms and breaking the prevailing pattern. Therefore, we consider the narrative imagination is an artistic technique. The writer extends his creative threads to it to increase the imagination in the narrative text
The novel of generations or the novel of the times that is related to our topic is a novel that consists of several continuous integrated novels, and that may come with parts and separate books, but they might be successive which complete each others. Characters events, and places are characterized by moving in the wide space of the narrator’s imagination.
Therefore, the study is organized into three chapters.
The first chapter is the manifestations of the narrative imagination, which included two sections. The first deals with the narrator as concept and its types. The second is the personality topic and its classifications in the novel
The second chapter is the narrative event and its structure in which we employ two sections .The first deals with event coherence. The second is the narrative dialogue
Chapter three deals with the structure of the narrative space and includes two sections.The first topic is spatial space and the second topic is the temporal space