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Public services in the Arab Islamic state until year  (41)A.H”Model Mecca”

The current study deals with a very important topic, which covers the public services that have existed since the pre-Islamic era, even if they were simple services. Given the simplicity of life at that time, the motive for choosing the topic was to learn about the most prominent services that the people of Mecca understood provided and those coming to the House of God for trade. And also to know the impact of Islam on services when it came and brought about a great leap for the services provided, whether for pilgrims or the community and to know the extent of the expansion in the provisions of services and whether they were confined to the Prophetic period or extended to the period of the Rightly Guidafter, to show the extent of the interest of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and after them in understand Correctional services. The issue has occurred since the early beginnings of the correctional services in the Hijaz, specifically in the extent to which the service achievements of Makkah Al-Mukarramah were obtained, to see the extent to which the welfare and services were achieved and provided to the Meccan community, especially during the period of crowding of people duringg the Hajj periods. With the ancient traditions of honoring and caring for the guest and how the people of Makkah took care of the guests of the Most Merciful, these services extended to the period of the advent of Islam after the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family) was born in this blessed spot and grew up on Arab customs and traditions, so he was the distributor of services to people as An understanding reformist who has an insight into how to reform the nation and serve them in the best way. After Islam came and the size of the Islamic state increased, there was a need for the emergence of other great services, including religious and social services Ececonomically beneficial to the society, like the case, the service procedures are transferred to areas close to Mecca, whether under the guidance of the Messenger, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace) or the owners of those areas take from the procedures of the Messenger (peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family) and apply them to their cities as in Medina where he worked The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, to carry out several service reforms in it because it is his city. After the death of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) came the role of the Rightly Guided Caliphs who worked to establish and establish the procedures and rules that the Messenger (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace) came with. The area of ​​the Islamic state had to be managed, organized, and put in place service reforms appropriate to the community, so the Rightly Guided Caliphs were the best fit to take on this task, so they carried out major reforms and the task of each caliph according to his period. | These services are important for any country. By providing services to the nation, the state can obtain. These services are important for any state. By providing services to the nation, the state can obtain the love, appreciation, and loyalty of the people. Services are a right of the nation over the state and an obligation upon it so that they can live a dignified and quiet life in the light of services and not be deprived of them, and their eyes are on the rest of developed and prosperous countries. So we see that if these services were not laid down and established by the Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family), then the Rightly Guided Caliphs would not have been able to follow in the same footsteps and add other developments that were not implemented.
Although some rulers failed, they were removed, The caliphs were keen to place those who are more qualified and deserving of the position of administration, i.e. Egypt, a region, or an administrative institution affiliated with the Islamic state.With the movement of conquests to expand the area of ​​Islam, a large number of people joined it inside and outside the Arabian Peninsula, and in return, many countries opened, whether by peace or force, and many of them joined the Islamic state after they were ignorant of the religion and worshiped what is less than God, so they saw in the Islamic religion the safe place for them and the place The spiritual one who is at ease with him, so they obeyed him, leaving what they found of religion and deities to grow and expand the borders of the Islamic state to the most extreme places.

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