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Scientific workshop

Scientific workshop
Unit  of Continuing Education in College of Education for Human Sciences, at 12:00 a.m Tuesday 28/2/2023, in the Hall of (Sayyid Al-Shohada (PBUH)) held a scientific workshop under the title (The Linguistic Queen of Sibawayh and the Rhetorical Language) by Professor Dr. (Hassan Abdul Ghani Al-Asadi)
In the beginning, Professor Hassan Al-Asadi spoke, saying: “The Arabic spoken by Sibawayh was not a second language. He did not acquire it or learn it, and Al-Asadi stressed that (Weh) in his famous surname (Sibawayh) is not foreign and that his affiliation is Arab, and he also mentioned that he grew up in Basra, and the lecturer asked: Did the saying of his foreignness imply envy towards him? ?
Then the lecturer touched on important and neglected aspects of what was related to Sibawayh’s life and his book, as he listed a number of linguistic, grammatical and social evidences of Sibawayh’s Arabism, and concluded the workshop with an important text that proves that Sibawayh is an Arab from Yamani, as is the case of his teacher, Hebron, in the poem of the poet and polymath (Ahmed bin Al-Hussein Al-Hamedani). In his poem (the irrefutable) in which he is proud of the Yemeni men and what he said
  And you are proud of the best friend among us….. And the wise of the Muslims is entitled to them.
And from us Sibawayh, and Dhu al-Qadaia… Akhw Jarm, the head of our accountants
The workshop was attended by the Head of the Arabic Language Department, Prof. Dr. (Laith Qabil Obaid Al-Waeli) and the Department Rapporteur, as well as a number of the department’s lecturers and postgraduate students. The attendees showed a positive interaction with the content and topics of the workshop.

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