Development of mapping science formally and substantially led to make a change in the field of map science production. The map content is represented by symbols that were used to represent the geographical phenomena on which process of reading and analyzing them is based. This in turn is a clear indicator that geography comprehends the developed technology. The title ” Coding and Analysis in the Quantity Maps: An Experimental Study of the Technology Addiction in Kerbala Province by GIS ” was prepared as mapping study that was applied on the technology addiction phenomenon due to significance of this phenomenon not only in the area of the study, rather in all Iraq to limit the extent of its spread and analysis and knowing the real spatial pattern to distribute them. That’s why it was necessary to prepare maps and to emphasize on significance of choosing their symbols in accord to cartographic bases and principles so as the reader can understand the map content.
The technology addiction phenomenon is considered one of the quantitive phenomenon where the quantity coding of spot ( spatial), linear, and spatial symbols were used, though the emphasis was on the quantity spot symbols and the quantity spatial symbols according to geographical data that the researcher prepared including the field study data; as well to choose the most appropriate symbols and to tackle their maps, troubles, and defects of every type in representing briefly; in addition to rules and requirements of every symbol in the test. The representation was done by the quantity spot symbols of the influential factors in the technology addiction phenomenon of the adult population as well the spatial quantity coding of the influential factors in the technology addiction phenomenon of the children class in 2021; this is what relates to coding.
Concerning the advanced spatial analysis that the researcher used for statistical data, it was done in accord with the international criteria by clustering analysis maps through local Moran’s coefficient of the technology addiction phenomenon of the adult population. This is in addition to the spatial difference analysis by clustering analysis maps through the spatial coefficient method of Global Moran’s coefficient of the children class. Finally, the researcher used the spatial difference analysis by hot spot analysis maps by G* coefficient method of students class in Kerbala province in 2021.
Concerning the most important results that the researcher concluded is represented by the use of GIS in preparing the maps symbols, the developed spatial use for the technology addiction phenomenon, and preparing a complementary data for it. It is also clarified that coding spatial quantity distributional analysis ( Choropleth) was one of the most prominent cartographic method for it is counted in accord with statistical styles that show the quantity values in a visible way on the basic map in a way that makes it not affected by administrative units area. The difference of categories number of the map graded color density shows the real image of difference in addiction phenomenon taking in consideration population spreading places within the administrative units. The advanced statistical analysis methods are the best in uncovering of spatial distributional patterns of the technology addiction phenomenon and the young age classes are the most addiction in the real digital use, as well, males is higher than female in addiction averages. Also, civil population is higher than rural population in addiction. The averages of students’ technology addiction is very high especially for secondary students as well for children. It is also that averages of diseases and the organic health and psychological cases that attack population due to the digital use is very high. At last, the researcher concluded a group of results and conclusion.