All praise is due to God, creator of the creation, granting good, praise suits His dignity as he must be praised, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed and his progeny,
This is an abstract thesis entitled” Infinitive and Derivatives Constructions in the Holy Hadith Encyclopedia: A Morphological Semantic Study”. The study contains four chapters preceded by an introduction and preface and followed by a conclusion and indexes.
The study aimed at taking out the infinitive constructions of both types the auditory and regular, as well as the derivative construction in the holy Hadiths; they were joined by statistical and clarifiable tables.
The study has four chapters; the derivatives were distributed in semi-verb chapters. The first chapter is a theoretical study of the derivative constructions ( present participle, semi verb adjective, and the exaggeration forms). This was followed by a practical study to these derivatives that were observed and analyzed with an interest to their contextual erections in their references.
The second chapter also included a theoretical study to constructions of the past participle, place nouns, superlative nouns, and the machine name). In addition to the practical side in the holy Hadiths and a study to these derivative nouns in the light of its articulatory context where it was mentioned.
Concerning the infinitive construction, they were divided into two chapters. The third chapter included a study of the auditory and regular infinitive in the holy Hadiths; beside taking them out and analyzing them morphologically and semantically within a context.
The fourth chapter included the regular infinitive ( Mimi infinitive, Al Merrah infinitive, the artificial infinitive, and infinitive name ) which were studied theoretically and practically; while the conclusion contained the most important results. Prayers granting good, praise suits His dignity as he must be praised.