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Quranic Influence in the Verse of the Martyrdom 

           Poets of the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festival ( 2005 – 2018 A.D.) is considered the most prominent poets because their verse has an active presence in the holy Quran, a matter that encourages the researcher to trace the influence of this holy book; so, she found it prominent in the hearts of those orally and semantically. I was pleased to write a topic that serves Allah Ainighty’s book descendent on his respected prophet ( p.b.u.h.) and in poetry, it tries to accompany Husseini’s case in all its events and details. My master’s support Prof. Dr. Kareamah Nomas Al Medeni helped me by choosing a suitable topic for me. hence, I followed Quranic traces in Quranic Influence in the Verse of the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festival. Therefore, the festival poems were the first source after Holy Quran.
      Concerning the thesis, the method is based on the descriptive analytical method besides the benefit from other methods. The study was divided into three chapters preceded by a preface where the researcher prepared the reader with two items. The first is the concept of the Quranic influence and its literary status on poets. The second tackled the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festival: the establishment and the literary status.
      The first chapter studied the Quranic topics including the influence of the Quranic topics on poets of the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festrival which was divided into four sections. The first section dealt with faith doctrine that poets tackled in their poems as belief in Allah ( monotheism), belief in his prophets and messengers, belief in the doom day and his angels, and belief in Allah’s fatalism; in addition to believers’ features as obeying Allah Al Mighty. The second section discussed loving and dignifying the prophet’s progeny in the holy Quran( p.b.u.h.). the third section was about patience, while the fourth section was about Jihad and bravery.
     The second chapter was devoted to the artistic activity of the Quranic influence. It tackled types of employing the Quranic influence on poets of the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festival. It has three sections. The first section dealt with the Quranic citation of both types: the semiotic and the textual in the verse of the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festival. The second section stated recalling the Quran martyrdoms where the narrations selected were due to their spreading in their verse. The third section mentioned recalling the Quranic figurees in the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festival.
      The third chapter tackled the aesthetic side where I studied the aesthetic image impact and the seriousness, originality, and creativity it implied clarifying the Quranic influence in the verse of the Martyrdom Spring International Cultural Festival. This chapter has three sections. The first section studied the simile ( similarity relations). The second section was about metaphor ( substitution relations). The last section was about metonymy ( neighborhood relations).
     The chapters were followed by conclusion that included the most important results. This was followed by an appendix that was about the participant poets in the festival and a list of references and bibliography that the researcher relied on in her thesis.  

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