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Preparation of Examination Halls

Preparation of Examination HallsOn Sunday morning, May 21st 2023, work started to implement the instructions of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. (Hassan Habib Al-Guraiti), to prepare examination halls…

The commencement of the second semester exams for the postgraduate students…..

The commencement of the second semester exams for the postgraduate students….. Constant visits and inspection tours conducted by the dean of the college Prof. Dr. Hassan H. Al-Kriti, accompanied by…

The Beginning of Final Exams for Undergraduate Students in the College

The Beginning of Final Exams for Undergraduate Students in the College On Wednesday morning, May 24th 2023, the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. (Hassan Habib Al-Guraiti) accompanied by Prof.…

Time and place in the narratives of the Husseini Renaissance – an analytical study

ConclusionThe chapters of this study led us with the following determinants to a conclusion that can summarize the most important of what we have reached with:

The Syntactic and Linguistic Efforts to Doctor Keream Hussein Nasih 

Abstract:    Arabic grammar and modern linguistics passed through great effort and stages by the linguists to be such linguistic structure and scientific theorization that reveal and prove languages principles as method…

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