Arabic grammar and modern linguistics passed through great effort and stages by the linguists to be such linguistic structure and scientific theorization that reveal and prove languages principles as method which can be shed the light on, that’s why the current dissertation entitled” The Syntactic and Linguistic Efforts to Doctor Keream Hussein Nasih” came due to its seriousness in the old and modern Arabic linguistic research, as well the modern linguistics. From the other side, the doctor implied in his study for the old and modern lingual and linguistic heritage, critical and structural theories which attracts the study efforts. However, the study contained three chapters and nine sections, preceded by a preface entitled ” the grammatical and linguistic thinking”. The first chapter which is entitled “Arabic grammar theory ” has three sections represented by principles of Arabic grammar, the agent theory, and the grammatical terms and verbal term. The second chapter which is entitled ” thinking in sentence patterns and meaning ” has three sections. These are sentence patterns, context and meaning, and sentence position and parsing. The third chapter which is entitled ” critical and structural linguistic sights” has three sections: text criterion between de Pogrand and Carthaginian the understanding method in the cognitive cooperative framework, critical linguistic theories. This is followed by the conclusion, the research results, and a list of references and bibliography. Thus, after digging deeply in these efforts to Doctor Keream Hussein Nasih were his sights structural critical in the old Arabic heritage? As well in the modern linguistic heritage? Therefore, the study concluded the following results.
-The thinking effort in Arabic grammar concerning its origins revealed that the unique origin to the ancient of the Arabic grammar origin is listening, and their standard is judgement and analogy measurement, while other origins were imposed by the cognitive luxury to the contemporary scholars of the old Arabic grammar.
-Agent theory in Arabic grammar stands on three total bases represented by ( speaker, meaning, and the structural construction) in the old Arabic grammar heritage.
– The grammatical term in Arabic grammar heritage to the ancient was authentic for it wasn’t affected by the verbal term.
-Thinking in grammatical sentence patterns and meaning proved that change in meaning requires a change in structure and vice versa.
-Context has great role in stating the meaning where two types of context were observed: contexts that reveal part of the meaning and contexts that find the meaning.
-Predicting sentences, parsing them, their influence in meaning, and ptting them in singular position is stating their positions, as well, they are parsed as the predestinated singular or in interpretive which is part of the text.
-The text criteria to de Pogrand were mentioned by the ancient linguists in Arabic heritage including its concepts, rather, they exceeded the West for example the Carthaginian were the flair can be a standard for these criteria.
– The understanding method in cognitive activation framework that Doctor Keream Hussein Nasih put to new Arabic linguistics represents a serious attempt in the modern Arabic studies to acquire the international leadership in language theories. It is a method that got benefit from the old Arabic theories of the heir heritage of the modern linguistic theory of the modern international heritage.
-The critical theories that theories that doctor Keream Hussein Nasih headed to modern linguistics revealed the incomprehensiveness and no totality of methods and the modern Western linguistic theories.