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The Geopolitical Dimensions of the Cities Brittleness: Kerbala City as a Model

The Geopolitical Dimensions of the 
Cities Brittleness: Kerbala City as a Model

Reshad Ne’mah Mohammed Almadny
Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Abdul Abbas Futheakh
The city that is exposed to many fall downs and obstacles in its functions was described by a number of terms as the brittle city. This term is widely spread to describe the failed, collapsed, weak, and unstable or crisis city.
The study has adopted the analytical approach to analyze the past of the city and to present solutions for the present problems. The functional approach clarified the functions that the city performs on the internal and external levels; in addition to the historical approach to know the hierarchical time for events and crises that the city passed through. The main problem of the study is represented by the following question: what does brittleness mean? Does Kerbala city suffer from brittleness in services and functions that are presented to its inhabitants? The study aims at knowing reasons and factors that caused brittleness of Kerbala city socially, politically, economically, and security, as well putting solutions and treatments that deal with or reduce the brittle situation that the city suffers from.

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