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Ibn Ukda Al-Kuffi  (332H/943D ) and his historical narratives about Al-Welaya  in book of Hadeeth AL-Welaya as a model

The present study is hoped to be of importance in that it depends on its author’s fame, Al Haffiz  and his proceeding contributions in the science which was called (Al-Hadeeth ) as one of the most prominent figures of Arab during the second Abbassia Area. 

          Al kuffi  is regarded as an encyclopedia  who had many interests. He is distinguished because many of the previous books that he left behind are in various fields, e.g. (interpretations , history and jurisprudence, etc… ) . His  own memory and ample mentality,  broad mentality intelligence are quite evident in (Al hadeeth ) .

           Al Kuffi’s characteristics helped him to have a prominent position among  other scholars in that century . His studies gained highly importance in that period because they are characterized by scientific predictions and a subject of great admiration and respect.

            The prediction represebts the major source for many scholars. Till the present day for these reasons we have chosen one of his important books which is  the cornerstone of the present study ( kitab Al Willaya )  to be the central point of the PhD dissertation and  to know more in beside going deeply .

            One of the reasons that leads me to choose this topic is that Al Haffiz ( the author)  has occupied a special era in the Islamic History because he tried to keep it safe and objective. Thus, we have chosen it to know more about his biography and his scientific contributions . Moreover,he is regarded as one of the Shiaa’s  scientific contributions  which has its  powerful effect in the period. 

              Although the Abbasian  tyrants  were more dominant in that period not only in kufa, but in all regions in which they exist.

              In order to reach the desired goal of the present study depending on the title, I set out to draw a plan to follow, the  introduction that deals with the area where he was  starting with politics , social and intellectual.

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