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Policy of Jemal Abdul Nasir in Excluding and Eliminating Leaders of July 

The great personals, in history, stay in a different and contrast position. Jemal Abdul Nasir was one of those personals that was and still a contrasting issue among his officers’ colleagues to those who loved him or to those who called him dictator. In spite of all that Jemal Abdul Nasir stays a title for 23 July 1952 revolution as an important part of Egypt nd Arab nation history. 
     What attracted our attention that Jemal Abdul Nasir did not have loyalty other than the liberal officers but after the party success in its task and declaring the revolution, Jemal Abdul Nasir’s unique loyalty became to Jemal Abdul Nasir himself. Based on this, the topic’ Policy of Jemal Abdul Nasir in Excluding and Eliminating Leaders of July Revolution 1952- 1970′ was chosen as a title for the current master thesis.
     Nature of the study required to have an introduction, four chapters, and conclusion. The first chapter which is entitled ‘ the political and ideological directions of the liberal officer’s part’ tackled the political and ideological background of the liberal officers, it has three sections. The first section discussed establishment of the officers’ party and their first political work. The 
second section was about the political directions for there were many political directions. The third section stated the ideological direction for they had different as Muslim Brothers, Mesr ul Qenat, and the democratic movement of national liberation.
     The second chapter discussed eliminating of liberal officers’ party. In the first section, we stated excluding artillery officers’ weapons in charge of conspiracy to overthrow the rule and their fate was the prison. The second section was about taking the infantry weapons away and the colonel Husni Al nd conflict that combined Jemal Abdul Nasir from one side and Mohammed Nejeab and his supporters, officers of the knights’ weapons from the other side. The fourth section mentioned the officers belong to Muslim Brothers.
      The third chapter treated the conflict among members of the revolution leadership council, it is entitled ‘ dissolution of the revolution leadership council’. The first section was about the member Abdul Mun’im Amin. The second section was about the member Selah Salim and the way of his moving away. The third section was about Jemal Salim and his removal from the political work.
      The fourth chapter has the title ‘ excluding members of the revolution leadership council. The first about eradicating of the triangle close to Jemal Abdul Nasir: Kemal Al Din Hussein, Abdul Letif Al Baghdadi, and Hassan Ibrahim. The second section was about eradicating Abdul Hekim Amir, the close friend to Jemal Abdul Nasir who had wide popularity inside the troop forces. The third section tackled another member of the revolution leadership council Zekeria Hey ul Ding. Therefore, Jemal Abdul Nasir could eliminate his colleagues one after the other; thus, we emphasized the story of liberal officers that revolution eats its sons.  

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