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gardens of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences start blooming in spring season.

Training Course on student discipline instructionsAmong the series of activities held by the Department of Continuing Education in the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Karbala,…

The Department of the Arabic Language holds a party on the occasion of the birth of the expected Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance)

The Department of the Arabic Language holds a party on the occasion of the birth of the expected Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance)Under the auspices of the Dean…

Coding and Analysis in the Quantity Maps: An ExperimentalStudy of the Technology Addiction in Kerbala Province by GIS

Abstract:      Development of mapping science formally and substantially led to make a change in the field of map science production. The map content is represented by symbols that were used to…

Scientific workshop

Scientific workshopUnit  of Continuing Education in College of Education for Human Sciences, at 12:00 a.m Tuesday 28/2/2023, in the Hall of (Sayyid Al-Shohada (PBUH)) held a scientific workshop under the…

Heavy Elements in the Soil of Al HusseiniyahEarth and its Influence in the Agricultural Production

Abstract . .The current study came to know the heavy elements in the agricultural lands in Al Husseiniya district in Kerbala province. The study relied on the laboratory checking for…

Scientific Lecture

Scientific LectureThe Department of Arabic Language in the College of Education for Human Sciences on Sunday 5/3/2023, in the Hall of (Sayyid al-Shuhada (PBUH)) held a scientific lecture under the…

The Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences held a party on the occasion of the birth of  Imam Al-Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance)

The Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences held a party on the occasion of the birth of  Imam Al-Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance)In the presence of the Dean of…

Public services in the Arab Islamic state until year  (41)A.H”Model Mecca”

Abstract The current study deals with a very important topic, which covers the public services that have existed since the pre-Islamic era, even if they were simple services. Given the simplicity…


WorkshopThe Department of English Language in the College of Education for the Humanities held a scientific workshop under the title (Academic Writing Wizard) in which Professor Hussein Ali Karim Al-Sharoufi…

The Narrative Imagination in the novels of Iraqi Contemporary Generations

Abstract Imagining  is a mental construction and intellectual production in the first degree, that is, not material production . A person who imagines  has a mental production and not a  material…

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