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A scientific symposium on the occasion of the birth of Imam Al-Hujjah(may Allah hasten his honorable appearance)

A scientific symposium on the occasion of the birth of Imam Al-Hujjah(may Allah hasten his honorable appearance) Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, Dean of the College…

English Department Holds a Scientific Debate with its Counterpart at the University of Babylon

English Department Holds a Scientific Debate with its Counterpart at the University of BabylonUnder the auspices and attendance of the Dean of the College of Education for Humanities / University…

the Economic Variables of the Levant Coasts During the Crusades**

PhD dessertation Discusses the Economic Variables of the Levant Coasts During the Crusades** On Thursday morning, February 29, 2024, a PhD dessertation was discussed in the Hall of (Sayyid Al-Shuhadah…

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