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Discusses Morphological and Semantic Study of Noun and Verb Patterns in the Poetry Collection of Muhammad al-Jawad al-Jaza’iri

Master’s Thesis Discusses Morphological and Semantic Study of Noun and Verb Patterns in the Poetry Collection of Muhammad al-Jawad al-Jaza’iri

On Sunday morning, March 10, 2024, a master’s thesis was debated in the Department of Arabic Language, College of Education for Humanities, University of Karbala.The thesis, entitled “Noun and Verb Patterns in the Poetry Collection of Muhammad al-Jawad al-Jaza’iri (d. 1959) – A Morphological and Semantic Study,” was presented by the student Mithaq Hasan Marhoon.

The thesis was supervised by Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Abdul Ghafour Naseef.

The thesis consisted of three chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion.** The introduction included two sections: the first on the definition of morphological terms and the concept of morphology in language and terminology, and the second on a brief biography of the poet al-Jaza’iri.

Chapter One was titled “Noun Patterns and Their Meanings” and included two sections.** Chapter Two was titled “Verb Patterns and Their Meanings” and also included two sections. Chapter Three was titled “Plural Patterns and Their Meanings” and included three sections preceded by an introduction.

The study aimed to answer several questions, including:

  • Did al-Jaza’iri use new morphological patterns?
  • Did the patterns used by the poet deviate from their lexical meaning, or was the contextual meaning the dominant one?
  • What are the results of examining the morphological patterns in the poetry collection of al-Jaza’iri?

The study reached several conclusions, the most important of which were:

  • The diversity of patterns used by Muhammad Jawad al-Jaza’iri between regular and irregular weights.
  • The researcher used the dictionary to extract the figurative meaning of the patterns.
  • Al-Jaza’iri did not use all the plural forms, and there were no instances of nisba (relative) or diminutive patterns.

**After a thorough scientific debate by the scientific committee for the debate, headed by Professor Dr. Haider Abdul Ali Hamidi, the thesis was approved and the student was awarded a master’s degree in Arabic language.

The Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, attended part of the discussion.

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