Scientific workshop

Scientific workshop

On Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., the Arabic Language Department and the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Kerbala, under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, Dean of the College of Education for Humanities, organized a workshop in one of the college’s halls. A scientific study entitled: (Parables and Symbolic Stories…Arabic Literature with Different Standards and Evaluations) targeting college teachers and postgraduate students. Dr. Hamza Abdel Hamza Aliwi lectured on it.

The workshop aims at: 
Investigating the definitions of the parable as a symbolic story.
Introducing the research audience to the types and functions of the parable as a symbolic story.
Explaining the effect of the parable on the interpretation of approved religious texts.
Clarifying the methods of literary evaluation in the case of adopting the parable as a symbolic story.
Demonstrating the similarities and differences between parables and utopias.

The workshop topics included: 
The parable as a symbolic story.
Research into the types and functions of parable.
The lesson and the religious system of authority in Judaism and Christianity. 
Using the parable in finding other meanings for the founding texts.
The parable and the system of literary evaluation in the West and East, and its connection to Arabic literature.
The parable as a final utopia. Here, the parable is examined in terms of its proximity and distance from the Utopian.
The parable and the system of literary evaluation in the West and East, and its connection to Arabic literature.
The parable as a final utopia. Here, the parable is examined in terms of its proximity and distance from Utopia.

The workshop included highlighting:
The symbolic trend in analyzing and understanding literature.
Evidence of the existence of symbolism and its stories in Arabic poetry and literature in general.
The importance of the map adopted in the distribution of symbols and their narrative materials in Arabic literature, whether what is found in poetry or what has been translated to us from symbolic prose stories, or what was created directly in Arabic writing.
The importance of the symbolic dimension in reading and analyzing literature in general.
The paramount importance of highlighting the symbolic dimensions in Arabic literature.

It is necessary for professors of Arabic literature in its various eras, especially the Abbasid and modern eras, to rely on the attachment of Arabic literature to symbolic stories. It is important for the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education to urge concerned professors to write study research materials on parables and symbolic stories in Arabic literature, distribute them to students and adopt them as part of the textbooks for a particular literary era.