Field Visit to the Department of English Language

English Language Department Opens a Scientific Poster Exhibition Under the patronage and supervision of the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, and in cooperation with the English Language Department, the department opened an exhibition of scientific posters today, Wednesday, March 12, 2024. The exhibition included student activities that contained explanatory diagrams about English grammar, as well as vocabulary and some scientific phenomena. The English Language Department students were creative in choosing scientific topics related to the English language, which indicates their high awareness in their field of specialization. The Dean of the College praised the students’ efforts in this scientific activity. He was accompanied in the exhibition by the Vice Deans for Academic and Administrative Affairs, Professor Dr. Mu’ayyad Imran Jihad and Dr. Salah Majeed al-Saadi. The exhibition is a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their research and creativity.** It also allows them to interact with each other and with their professors. The Dean’s presence at the exhibition is a sign of his support for the students and his commitment to promoting academic excellence. The English Language Department is committed to providing students with a well-rounded education.** The department offers a variety of courses and activities that help students to develop their critical thinking, communication, and research skills. The department also encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities, such as this scientific poster exhibition. The exhibition is a success, and many people have attended to view the posters. The students are proud of their work, and they are grateful for the opportunity to share it with others. The Dean of the College is pleased with the success of the exhibition, and he is confident that it will inspire other students to pursue their own research and creative projects.