A master’s thesis titled “Signs of the day of Judgement in Quran: A Semantic and Grammatical Study in Light of the Closed Corpus Method” was successfully defended today at the University of Kerbala. 

A master’s thesis titled “Signs of the day of Judgement in Quran: A Semantic and Grammatical Study in Light of the Closed Corpus Method” was successfully defended today at the University of Kerbala. 

Ahmed Ismail Allawi, a student in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Humanities, presented his research findings to a committee chaired by Professor Dr. Hadi Shindokh Hamid. 

The thesis explored the semantic and grammatical aspects of the verses referring to the Hour (the Day of Judgement) in  Quran. Utilizing the closed corpus method, Allawi analyzed the Quranic text to understand the characteristics and functions of the words used in these verses. 

One of the key findings of the thesis is the importance of interpreting the Quran through itself, emphasizing the literal meaning of the Arabic words used.  Interestingly, the study also suggests that the definite noun “الساعة” (the Hour) in the Quran might refer to the figure of Imam Mahdi, based on the surrounding context and associated words.

Professor Dr. Hassan Abdul Ghani Muhammad supervised Allawi’s thesis. The defense was attended by Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Muayyad Imran Jihad, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, and a number of faculty members and students. After a thorough discussion, the committee approved the thesis, awarding Allawi a Master’s degree in Arabic Language.