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Inspection Tour

Inspection Tour

  This Tuesday morning, March 19, 2024, the Dean of College, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, conducted one of his daily visits and checked on the status of administrative work as well as the students’ daily attendance commitments. In addition, he went to one of the lectures in the preliminary study, where he was informed about the way the course was delivered and how much the students contributed. He encouraged constructive peer interaction among his students in order to encourage rivalry. He instructed other educators to employ a variety of scientific techniques in their lectures, such as the brainstorming technique, to end the impasse in the lecture hall. His Excellency also followed the college’s service workers, praising their daily efforts in washing and cleaning the college’s buildings and corridors to make them look their best. The Dean was accompanied on his tour today by the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Moayed Omran Jiyad, and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Salah Majeed Al-Saadi.

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