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This Sunday morning, March 24, 2024, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, the dean of the college of education for humanities,

This Sunday morning, March 24, 2024, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, the dean of the college of education for humanities, visited all the departments of the college as part of his daily inspection tours.He observed the progress of lectures in a number of lecture halls for the initial study and urged his students to exert more effort, compete for success and excellence, adhere to ministerial instructions and applicable laws, and understand the necessity of maintaining the cleanliness of the college and contributing to increasing its brilliance and having a beautiful imprint on it.The Dean was accompanied by the Assistant Dean for Scientific and Administrative Affairs, Professor Dr. Muayyed Omran Jiyad, and Assistant Professor Dr. Salah Majeed Al-Saadi.

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