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University of Karbala Organizes a Training Course in the College of Education for Humanities on Developing Communication Skills for Female Staff at the University

University of Karbala Organizes a Training Course in the College of Education for Humanities on Developing Communication Skills for Female Staff at the University
Karbala, Iraq – March 26, 2024
The College of Education for Humanities hosted the training course organized by the university under the title (Developing Communication Skills) on Tuesday morning, March 26, 2024, in the (Sayyid AL-Shuhddah) hall at the college.
The course was attended by female staff of the college as well as heads of women’s affairs units in the university’s colleges.
It was presented by (Assistant Professor Abbas Aliwi Al-Amiri) and (Assistant Professor Imran Kazim Al-Kirkukhi).
The workshop aimed to develop the communication skills of the college’s female staff, both teaching and administrative, to enable them to document their activities.
The course, which was held under the title “Developing Communication Skills”, included guiding the trainees on how to write scientific articles that meet the requirements of the university’s website, as well as how to create and edit news articles.

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