University of Karbala Organizes a Scientific Workshop on the Possibility of Applying Water Harvesting Techniques in the Western Plateau of Iraq

University of Karbala Organizes a Scientific Workshop on the Possibility of Applying Water Harvesting Techniques in the Western Plateau of Iraq

The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala organized a scientific workshop on the possibility of applying water harvesting techniques in the western plateau of Iraq on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 11:00 AM in one of the halls of the Department of Applied Geography. The workshop targeted faculty members in the department and graduate students.

The workshop was presented by (Assistant Professor Malik Rahim Abdul Zaid). The workshop, aimed to clarify the appropriate methods of water harvesting in the western plateau of Iraq.

The workshop was divided into two segments

* Defining the concept of water harvesting and the factors affecting water harvesting in the western plateau of Iraq.

* Discussing the systems that can be used in water harvesting.

The workshop, covered the best methods of obtaining water. This includes collecting and storing water (rain and surface runoff) in a specific area and using this stored water in several areas. Water harvesting is especially important in dry areas, particularly in the western plateau of Iraq, due to the scarcity of surface water.

The importance of water harvesting is highlighted by:

* Increasing water resources in the harvesting area

* Reducing reliance on rivers for irrigation of crops

* Conserving soil from the erosion process, which is one of the most important problems facing the soil.

* Having a significant impact on the stability of rural communities due to the availability of water, which increases the cultivation of crops and provides job opportunities in the agricultural field, and improves the living standards of millions of people who depend on agriculture in their lives.

* In addition, using the surplus rainwater contributes to strengthening the groundwater level, a process called groundwater recharge.

**Some of the most important methods of water harvesting are:

* Small pits

* Small watershed systems

* Crescent-shaped mounds

* Earthen dams

* Terraces (contour farming)

The researcher in the workshop called for the following proposals to be adopted:

1. It is possible to benefit from the capabilities provided by watersheds in practicing various activities.

2. Focus on water awareness by broadcasting advertisements and posters calling for the use of modern methods of water harvesting and avoiding excessive water use.

3. Employing modern technologies and satellite data in hydrological studies, especially water harvesting in dry areas.

4. It was proposed to establish a special department to oversee studies and development of non-traditional water resources and develop programs for its implementation before it is too late, as many Arab and neighboring countries have preceded us in this field.

5. The necessity of establishing climatic and hydrological stations to know the annual discharge rate in the region and then plan to invest this water.

The workshop was well-received by the participants, who found it to be informative and engaging. They appreciated the opportunity to learn about the latest water harvesting techniques and to discuss the challenges and opportunities of water harvesting in the western plateau of Iraq.

The workshop is a valuable contribution to the field of water resources management in Iraq. It is hoped that the recommendations made by the participants will be implemented in order to ensure the sustainable use of water resources in the western plateau of Iraq.