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University of Karbala Organizes a Scientific Workshop entitled the Intellectual Influences on Family Education and Ways to Counter Them (Falsification of Religious Awareness as a Model)

University of Karbala Organizes a Scientific Workshop entitled the Intellectual Influences on Family Education and Ways to Counter Them (Falsification of Religious Awareness as a Model)

Karbala, Iraq – March 31, 2024

The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala organized a scientific workshop on the intellectual influences on family education and ways to counter them (falsification of religious awareness as a model) on Sunday morning, March 31, 2024, at 11:00 AM in the hall of Sayyid al-Shuhada (peace be upon him). The workshop targeted the college’s employees, including lecturers, administrators, and graduate and undergraduate students.

The workshop was presented by (Assistant Professor Abeer Abdul-Rasul Muhammad al-Tamimi).

The workshop included identifying the features of the problem of falsifying religious awareness among young people and Muslim families, as well as uncovering the causes of falsification and reaching mechanisms for developing sound religious awareness.

The researchers in the workshop called for:

The need to restore the role of the family in the process of social upbringing. The state should seek ways to alleviate economic burdens.

The need to activate the actors in religious institutions and to benefit from religious sciences and the principles of jurisprudence, and to link them to contemporary issues, especially those related to youth and family.

The need for an educational system that is based on understanding and inference to build a critical mind, not an educational system that is based on memorization and indoctrination. This is because the latter is likely to create a dependent mind that is easy to control and direct in all negative directions.

The need for the teacher to commit to embodying a model of good example in word and deed.

The need to regulate the performance of media institutions and agree on general standards for professional conduct.

The need to alleviate the state of collective frustration and work to encourage families and their members to develop themselves and to care for the scientific aspect, and to activate the love of work, activity, creativity, and adherence to good morals, because this is the weapon of man for happiness and achieving social, cultural, and economic security.

The need to be aware of the philosophies of countries and civilizations and to know the correct religious interpretation, as it distinguishes and reveals the falsification of facts of socialist and capitalist philosophies. Both want to direct society towards their own interests and goals.

The workshop was well-received by the participants, who found it to be informative and engaging. They appreciated the opportunity to learn about the latest intellectual influences on family education and to discuss the challenges and opportunities of countering these influences.

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