University of Karbala Organizes a Scientific Workshop on Globalization and Its Impact on Development
Karbala, Iraq – March 27, 2024
The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala organized a scientific workshop on globalization and its impact on development on Wednesday morning, March 27, 2024, at 10:00 AM in the Media Lab Hall. The workshop targeted faculty members in the Department of Applied Geography and graduate students.
The workshop was presented by (Assistant Professor Amin Awad Kazim and Assistant Professor Mustafa Maki Jawad).
The workshop aimed to present the topic of globalization from a geographical perspective, as well as to focus on the concept of globalization and the potential negative and positive aspects that it can produce and analyze it geographically. It also aimed to identify development and its concept and the impact of globalization on it. In addition, development and globalization are an important scientific subject within the scope of geography. It is necessary to focus on it and target it in all our geographical research and lectures.
The workshop was divided into three sections:
* The first axis explained the concept of globalization and its economic, social, and political dimensions.
* The second axis discussed the concept of development and its economic, social, and political dimensions.
* The third axis discussed the impact of globalization on development (positive and negative).
The workshop, which was held under the title “Globalization and Its Impact on Development,” included the need to study and understand the positive and negative aspects of globalization. It also discussed whether globalization can always be a positive thing. In reality, there is another side to globalization that can destroy societies and countries. It is also not possible to link development and globalization. Development is a comprehensive and ancient goal that conscious countries and civilizations strive to achieve. On the contrary, globalization is a train led by developed countries, and it may have destructive effects on weak countries. In addition, geographical studies have a very important role in studying and clarifying the importance of development and globalization, and they can reveal important points that will affect the lives of nations in the future.
The researchers in the workshop called for:
1. The need to rely on geographical scientific research in understanding and explaining the characteristics of globalization.
2. We should not believe as societies that development and progress mean that we must ride the globalization train.
3. We must take the positives from globalization and fight the negatives because it is likely to disintegrate society.
4. The need to apply and focus on the Sustainable Development Goals because they can address major economic, social, and political problems that developing countries suffer from.