University of Karbala Organizes a Scientific Workshop on the Educational and Aesthetic Styles in Surat al-Jumu’ah: A Rhetorical Study The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala organized a scientific workshop on the educational and aesthetic styles in Surat al-Jumu’ah: A Rhetorical Study on Wednesday morning, April 3, 2024, at 10:30 AM in the Sayyid al-Shuhada Hall (AS). The workshop was aimed at a group of faculty members, staff, and students of the college to learn about the secrets of the beauty of the Quran and the images of its miracle.The workshop was presented byDr. Karima Nomas Al-MadaniNaba Abdul Latif Abbas The workshop, included two dimensions . The first dimension dealt with the educational aspect of the educational styles.It focused on Educating believers to glorify Allah.This is because everything in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allah, and it is therefore all the more important for believers to glorify their Lord. Allah has made this glorification and praise obligatory for them, not because He needs it, but because He wants to bring them out of darkness into light and out of the humiliation of slavery into the honor of obedience. Emphasizing another educational style of great importance. This is the example of Allah’s punishment of those who learn knowledge but do not benefit from it, those who carry books but do not benefit from them, and those who read, listen, and follow but then put it all aside and do not benefit from it. Allah says, “The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not carry it is like that of a donkey carrying books.” The donkey here is carrying valuable books and scrolls, but it does not benefit from them or understand anything about them.The workshop aimed to:Identify the aesthetic secrets and rhetorical purposes contained in Surat al-Jumu’ah.Understand the strategies of the Holy Quran in addressing the nations to establish true and certain faith.Achieve the goals of certain understanding, judgment, and lessons from the stories of past nations.Understand the most important images of the miraculousness of the Quran and the importance of its laws and legislation. The researchers in the workshop called for the necessity of reading the Holy Quran and understanding the secrets of its miraculousness.They also emphasized the importance of the educational, aesthetic, and rhetorical dimensions of the Quran, which educate the recipient and enlighten them about the affairs of past nations and the secrets contained in the Quranic verses of certain knowledge of Allah through the images of rhetorical embodiment, metaphors, and metonymy. The workshop was attended by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali.