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University of Karbala Organizes a Training Course on a Modern Strategy in the Art of Teaching

University of Karbala Organizes a Training Course on a Modern Strategy in the Art of Teaching

The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala organized a training course on a modern strategy in the art of teaching, which started on Sunday morning, April 7, 2024, and lasted for three days. The course was aimed at lecturers, postgraduate students, and fourth-year students who are about to graduate.

The sections of the course were divided into, The strategy: its linguistic and terminological concept, its benefits, the role of the teacher in it, the role of the learner in it, its advantages, its disadvantages, its steps, and its implementation.

The course, which was held under the slogan “A Modern Strategy in the Art of Teaching,” aims to:

* Acquaint lecturers with the latest strategies in the art of teaching.

* Increase the learner’s self-confidence.

* Make the lesson active and more effective than traditional lessons.

* Transform the lesson from routine to active and interactive.

The course, included presenting the strategy at the beginning in a theoretical way to know the attendees about it and its linguistic and terminological origin. Then its goals, characteristics, the role of the learner and the teacher in it, its advantages, disadvantages, and implementation steps were presented. After that, a practical lesson was presented and implemented in the hall with the participation of all attendees, in addition to the presence of classroom activities that added activity and vitality to the course.

The researchers in the course called for:

1. Urging the target group of the course to benefit from the modern strategies presented throughout the course and to apply them practically in the classrooms.

2. Including modern teaching methods in the curricula of the scientific departments.

3. Recommending to the relevant authorities to provide financial and moral support for such courses, especially since the Ministry always calls for working with them.

4. Conducting similar courses by specialized professors, since the Quality Assurance Department includes among its paragraphs the encouragement of holding these courses.

The course was attended by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, and Vice Deans for Scientific and Administrative Affairs, Professor Dr. Muayyad Imran Chiyad had and Assistant Professor Dr. Salah Majeed Al-Saadi.

The course was well-received by the participants, who found it to be informative and engaging.** They appreciated the opportunity to learn about the latest strategies in the art of teaching and to discuss their implementation in their own classrooms.

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