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A discussion of MA thesis concerning poetry collection of Sheikh Jaber Al-Kadhimi has been held in College of Education for Human Sciences

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Human Sciences at University of Kerbala has held a discussion for MA thesis titled “The Poetry Collection of Sheikh Jabir Al-Kadhimi (d. 1312 AH): A Study In Light of Textual Standards” by the student Nada Maytham Mohesen, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Haider Abd Ali Hamidi.

The significance of this study lies in the vast number of poems composed by this poet, which range from long to short verses, must of which are praise and mourn of Ahl al-bayt (peace be upon them). His poetry is characterized by the richness of language, profound meaning, and eloquence in expression, placing him among the distinguished poets of his area, alongside poets like Abdul Baqi Al-Omari and Sayyid Haider Al-Hilli. 

The study concludes that the poet Jaber Al-Kadhimi is considered one of the creative and skilled poets of Ahl al-bayt (peace be upon them), due to the abundance of his poetry that is dedicated to praise and mourn Ahl al-bayt. Besides that, Al-Kadhimi did not limit himself to poems that are specifically dedicated to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) and his pure descendants; he also composed poems in praise and mourning of other figures. He seizes opportunities to express his sincere affection and loyalty to Ahl al-bayt(peace be upon them), especially when the subject of the poem is about the line blood of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Furthermore, His poetry is noted for its strength in meaning and composition which earning him the title of “The Rare”

The discussion committee consisted of the following members:

• Prof. Dr. Maki Mohey Eidan (Chair)

• Assist. Prof. Dr. Khalid Abdul-Nabi Eidan (Member)

• Assist. Prof. Dr. Ashraf Adnan Hussein (Member)

• Prof. Dr. Haider Abd Ali Hamidi (Member and Supervisor)

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