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A discussion of MA thesis on “Spatial Analysis of Chemical Industries in Hussain and Abbass Holy Shrines” has been held at the College of Education for Human Sciences

A discussion of MA thesis on titled “Spatial Analysis of Chemical Industries in Hussain and Abbass Holy Shrines in Karbala City” has been held at The Department of Applied Geography at the College of Education for Human Sciences at University of Kerbala; by the student Israa Abdul-AmeerMahmood under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. UdayFadhil Abd.

The significance of the study lies in the fact that chemical industries are among the most advanced industries thatserve as raw materials for many industries, which are increasing in number day by day; in addition to that, this industry holds a substantial economic importance by providing production inputs for the industrial sector.

The discussion committee consisted of the following members:

   Prof. Dr. Salma Abdul-Razak Abd (Chairwoman)

   Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nadhim Bahjat (Member)

   Assist. Prof. Dr. Alaa Mohsen Shanshul (Member)

   Assis. Prof. Dr. Uday Fadhil Abd (Member and Supervisor)

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