The Arabic Language Department at the College of Education for Humanities at Kerbala University discussed the doctoral thesis titled “Linguistic Studies in the Iraqi Scientific Academy Journal from 1950 to 2003: Presentation and Evaluation” by the student Balqis Satar Jabar, supervised by Prof. Dr. Haidar Abdul Ali Hamidi.
The significance of the study lies in the Iraqi Scientific Academy Journal and the numerous linguistic research articles it contains, showcasing new ideas from prominent researchers. Their studies are notable for their diversity and abundance, spanning both historical and contemporary topics. The study aims to present and evaluate these works scientifically to benefit researchers and align them with published research in other academic institutions and global journals.
The dissertation consists of three chapters: the first chapter addresses phonetic and morphological research; the second chapter discusses syntactic research; while the third chapter covers studies on semantics and lexicography.
The study concluded the following: the Iraqi Scientific Academy did not set clear conditions for publishing linguistic research at the beginning of the journal’s issuance. Most linguistic studies lacked an introduction, a preamble, results, and a list of sources and references. Furthermore, some researchers did not adhere to scientific methodology in their writing, and some research titles did not correspond with the content, occasionally resulting in incomplete titles.
The discussion committee comprised the following members:
• Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hussein Ali Zain, Chair
• Prof. Dr. Falah Rasul Hussein, Member
• Asst. Prof. Dr. Riyad Rahim Thaaban, Member
• Asst. Prof. Dr. Aliyah Nasrat Hassan, Member
• Asst. Prof. Dr. Khair Allah Mahdi Jassim, Member
• Prof. Dr. Haidar Abdul Ali Hamidi, Member and Supervisor