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A training workshop on promoting the culture of integrity and transparency has been organized by the College of Education for Human Sciences

The Section of Continuing Education at the College of Education for Human Sciences at University of Kerbala hasorganized a training workshop on “Promoting the Culture of Integrity and Transparency and its Impact on Society,” presented by Dr. Ali Sobhi Omran and Assist. Lect. AbbassAbd Al- Amir Taha. Faculty members, teaching staff, and students of the college have attended the workshop.

The workshop has demonstrated an introduction to the culture of integrity, as well as the aspects of spreading this culture among individuals. It aims to disseminate the concepts of integrity and transparency among students toteach them to stand against corruption, especially by involving them in the development process to create a generation that intensify their role in society. This is achieved through the experiences they gain in extracurricular activities to enhance the concept of citizenship and make it real. The workshop also focused on promoting the mind-set of integrity and generalizing transparency within a well-thought-out strategic vision, where Iraqi universities and their students play an important and essential part in this strategy.

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