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The Arabic Language Department Discusses a Thesis Entitled “Request Styles in the Diwan of Al-Baghdadi”

The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for the Humanities discussed a master’s thesis entitled “Request Styles in the Diwan of Al-Baghdadi, Sheikh Ahmed bin Darwish Ali Al-Baghdadi Al-Ha’eri (1329 AH): A Grammatical Study”. The thesis was conducted by Haneen Ghazi Jassim and supervised by Professor Dr. Falah Rasoul Hussein.

The significance of this study lies in its pioneering nature, as it is the first to explore the Diwan of Al-Baghdadi, a poet known for dedicating most of his poetry to the praise and elegy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his household.

The study consists of four chapters
The first chapter examines the style of command and prohibition.

The second chapter analyses the style of interrogation. The third chapter focuses on the style of invocation. Finally, the fourth chapter discusses other stylistic approaches.

It is important to note that the study reached several key conclusions, most notably:

The interrogative style often shifts to convey an outrage at the injustice and oppression faced by the Prophet’s household. Moreover, interrogative tools were used as a means to express sorrow in a tone of astonishment, posing questions that reflect pain, confusion, and indignation. These questions also highlight the poet’s helplessness in confronting unchangeable realities and his amazement at the virtues and greatness of the Prophet’s family.

Additionally, the style of invocation frequently conveys anguish and regret, with invocation tools ending in elongated sounds serving as an emotional outlet for the poet’s deep sorrow. The poet often addresses the Prophet’s family as though they were alive, attempting to bridge the gap of loss and evoke emotions in diverse poetic contexts.

The defense committee consisted of the following honourable professors:

Professor Dr. Nijah Fahem Saber – Chairman

Assistant Professor Dr. Wasan Abdul Ali Atiya – Member

Assistant Professor Dr. Alia Nasrat Hassan – Member

Professor Dr. Falah Rasoul Hussein – Member and Supervisor

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