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The College of Education for Humanities organizes an awareness seminar on cybersecurity.

As part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week activities, the College of Education for Humanities at Kerbala University organized an awareness seminar on “Cybersecurity: Confrontations and Challenges,” presented by (Dr. MohiMurtada Mohi Al-Qazwini, Director of the Information Technology Department, and Asst.Lect. Saeed Ali Hussein, Director of the Technology Incubator Unit, the seminar targeted faculty members, staff, and college students.

The seminar included an introduction to cybersecurity, an overview of security procedures and elements, an understanding of the web at its various levels and how it works, followed by identifying risks and cybercrime, as well as how to implement and provide protections against cyber attacks.

The seminar aims to raise security awareness about cyber threats, increase general understanding of internet levels, and improve skills for safe and responsible internet use.

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