As part of the activities and events of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Kerbala organized a scientific seminar on ((Self-discipline of students in values and behavior)). Asst. Lect. Sura Saad Abid Ali Hussien has delivered the lecture with the presence of the college’sprofessors and students.
Values are the basic criterion for individual and social behavior. Educational goals cannot be defined to reflect the nature of man and the nature of society except through values, which emphasizes the need in deepening and developing values among young people. That is donethrough planning and coordination between all institutions of society, so that no institution repeats what others havedone.
1– Drawing attention to the importance of including positive values in the curricula and books. And the university’sfaculty– members should pay more interest on that.
2– Increasing the courses that discuss values in the university, and working to apply the curriculum that helps to consolidate values directly and indirectly.
3– The need to stand against the negative values that areprevailing in the students’ environment. We should work to change or modify them, in order not to dominate the behavior and actions of students.
4– Working on formulating educational plans based on a scientific basis, whose goal is to develop positive values among students.
The symposium included several themes, most notably: The structure of human behavior, the definition of values, their sources, the importance of studying values for the individual and society, the stages of their formation, as well as the reasons for the decline of values in society.