The College of Education for the Humanities Organizes a Scientific Seminar on Extremist Islamic Organizations (References, Ideology, and Objectives)
Day: December 15, 2024
#In Pictures
The Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Welcomes the Committee for Preparing the Guide to University Theses and Dissertations in the Department of Arabic
Students of the Department of Applied Geography Organize a Tree-Planting Campaign
The Department of Applied Geography at the College of Education for the Humanities, University of Kerbala, organized a tree-planting campaign as a voluntary activity involving postgraduate (Master’s) students and first-year undergraduate students. The…
#In Pictures
A Glimpse of the Dean’s Field Tour to Oversee the Comprehensive Exam in the Department of Applied Geography
The Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Meets with the Organizing Committee for the Cultural Event Be a Reader
As part of the regular series of meetings held by the Dean of the College of Education for Humanities, Professor Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, a meeting was convened today with the participation of the…
Baghdad Governor Mr Abdul-Muttalib Al-Alawi honours one of the staff members in the College of Education for Humanities / Department of History.
On the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the establishment of the Baghdad Province, the first conference on the Baghdad Province was held today in the Sami Abdul Hamid Hall…
Meeting of the Academic Classification and ProgramingAccreditation Committees in the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences
As part of the continuous efforts and diligent follow-up to enhance the position of the college and its departments, the Academic and Programing Accreditation Committee, in collaboration with the Quality Assurance and…
A dissertation in the Department of History Examining Titles and Nicknames of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT)
A dissertation in the Department of History at the College of Education for the Humanities, University of Kerbala, has searched “Titles, Nicknames, and Descriptions of Reverence and Condemnation among the Ahl al-Bayt(PBUT),” was defended by the student Farah HazemHamid, under the…
College of Education for the Humanities Organizes Media Campaign Against Violence Toward Women
The Women’s Affairs Section at the College of Education for the Humanities at the University of Kerbala organized a media campaign in observance of the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence,” under the supervision of the Section head, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sundus Mohammed Alwan,…