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Professor Dr. Haider Mohammed Al-Karbalae’i Participates in the Scientific Research Week in Iran

As part of efforts to exchange expertise and strengthen academic and cultural collaboration, Professor Dr. Haider Mohammed Al-Karbalaei, a staff member in the Department of History at the College of Education for the Humanities, University of Kerbala, participated in the “Scientific Research Week” symposium held at the Razavi University of Islamic Sciences in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The event featured scholarly lectures and workshops aimed at authors and researchers in Islamic sciences. Dr. Al-Karbalae’i contributed as a speaker in the scientific session, delivering a lecture on “Scientific and Research Cooperation Among Academic Centres Affiliated with the Holy Shrines.”

It is worth noting that Dr. Al-Karbalae’i was selected to be an integral part of this distinguished event due to his numerous contributions, extensive academic expertise, and valuable insights in his field of specialization.

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