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The College of Education for the Humanities Organizes a Workshop on the Role of the Family in Supporting and Enhancing People with Special Needs

As part of the activities for the Global Week of People with Disabilities, the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the College of Education for the Humanities, Kerbala University, organized a scientific seminar titled “The Role of the Family in Supporting and Enhancing People with Special Needs.” The seminar was presented by Assist. Lecturers Sura Saad Abdul Ali Hussin and ShaimaaDakhel Abdul Ali, and was attended by faculty members and students of the college.

The seminar aimed to highlight that family support within the home plays a critical role in building self-confidence in children. Children who feel they have strong support from their families often perform better academically. Additionally, families need to communicate regularly with the child’s teachers to update them on the child’s progress and evolving needs, ensuring that the educational program is tailored to meet those needs.

The seminar covered several key topics, including: the definition of people with special needs, categorization of these groups, and the importance of family support in the education of children with special needs.

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