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A Master’s Thesis in the Department of History Discusses Building a Training Programme to Develop Digital Teaching Skills

The Department of History at the College of Education for Humanities/ University of Kerbala has discussed the master’s thesis entitled ‘Building a Proposed Training Programme for the Development of Digital Teaching Skills Among Social Studies Teachers in the Holy Karbala’, by Balsam Abdul Amir Kazim, under the supervision of Professor Saad JawaidKazim. 

The importance of the thesis lies in the acquisition of teachers of digital teaching knowledge and skills. We have developed an alternative plan for education that can be resorted to in the event of accidental developments that may be natural disasters, wars or epidemics that may hinder the educational process in normal situations, as happened in the Corona pandemic, as well as developing the performance of teachers in educational institutions through the proposed training programme, by providing them with digital teaching knowledge and skills in light of the requirements of the twenty-first century, as well as directing the attention of training and education designers, educators and researchers towards the field of digital teaching and its skills in the twenty-first century.

The thesis reached several results, most notably: The degree of importance of the digital skills needed for social studies’ teachers, from their point of view, was very important in general in the responses of the sample. All the necessary skills ranged between average – very large, and also the arithmetic averages of the tool paragraphs showed that all areas were needed with a high degree of importance from their point of view. As well as, the study shows the existence of statistically significant differences according to the responses of the sample according to gender and judiciary, but there were no statistically significant differences according to the variable of specialisation. 

The discussion committee consisted of: 

Prof. Sadiq Abis Mankour, Chair

Prof. Saad Tohmeh Bleil,  Member

Asst.Prof. Yahya Obaid Radam, Member 

Prof. Saad Jawaid Kazim, Member and Supervisor

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