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The College of Education for the Humanities at University of Kerbala welcomes students from ‘The Secondary Schoolof Distinguished Students’

The College of Education for the Humanities at University of Kerbala has welcomed students from the Secondary School of Distinguished Students in Al-Hindiya, specifically from the fifth scientific grade, along with their professors: Dr. Amir Ahmed, Assist. Lect. Aziz Abbas Mohammed Ali and Assist. Lect. Raed Fadhil.

The scientific visit has included many activities, including their reception in the Knowledge Hall, where Dr. HussamSalih Al-Rubaie has delivered an inspirational lecture to the students. The goal was to provide the students with positive energy to continue their academic journey with the same enthusiasm and energy, especially as they are nearing their mid-year exams.

Al-Rubaie has concluded his talk by advising the students to choose a scientific specialty that aligns with their abilities and psychological preferences, away from other inaccurate determinants, which often turn many individuals into marginal employees who lack influence.

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