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A master’s thesis in the Department of Arabic Language discusses verbal accompaniments in the Diwan of Praise and Elegy

A master’s thesis entitled “Verbal accompaniments in the Diwan of Praise and Elegy in Muhammad and his noble family by Sayyid Salman Al-Tuma” was discussed in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Humanities/University of Kerbala, by the researcher Falah Mahdi Saleh Muhammad, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Alia Nasrat Hassan. The importance of the thesis lies in highlighting the most important poetic evidence with linguistic solidity, and a clear and powerful style far from complexity by analyzing its verses and selecting evidence that includes verbal, nominal and semantic accompaniments. The thesis included three chapters: The first chapter discussed actual accompaniments such as accompaniments between the verb and the noun, accompaniments between the verb and the preposition, and actual sympathy. The second chapter discussed nominal accompaniments between the adjoined and the conjoined, the adjective and its described one, and the noun and the noun complement. The third chapter discussed semantic phenomena such as semantic contrast, linguistic differences, and verbal homonyms.

The thesis touched upon a number of results, including that there are two types of words: words that have disappeared and died and are called disconnected, and words that remained in circulation among people and are called continuous words. The research confirmed that the poems of the collection were dominated by a religious character derived from the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Messenger and the Imams, peace be upon them, in addition to the meaning of the preposition departing from its meaning that was placed in most of the actual accompaniments, while the sympathetic accompaniments were dominated by the use of the conjunction letter (w), in addition to the poet’s use of accompaniment between the noun and the complement, mostly pure (moral) addition.

The discussion committee consisted of:

Prof. Hassan Abdul Ghani Muhammad Jawad (PH. D)     Chairman

Prof. Laith Qabil Obaid (PH. D)    Member

Prof. Amin Obaid Jijan (PH. D)    Member

Assistant Professor Alia Nasrat Hassan (PH. D)   Member and Supervisor

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