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Tracing the Waystations of Imam Hussein’s (as) Journey to Karbala

Dr. Haider Al-Karbalai, a staff member in the History Department at the College of Education for the Humanities, participated in a scientific symposium entitled “Tracing the Stations of Imam Hussein’s (as) Path to Karbala.” His research paper, titled “The Path and Personalities of Imam Hussein (as) to Al-Taff, Karbala: A Field Study,” was presented at the symposium, which was held at the College of Tourism at the University of Karbala in cooperation with the Karbala Center for Studies and Research, affiliated with the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine.

The symposium was attended by the President of the University of Karbala, Prof. Dr. Sabah Wajid Ali, and the Dean of the College, Asst. Prof. Dr. Salam Jaa’far Al-Asadi, along with a large number of university professors, historical researchers, and students.

At the conclusion of the symposium, Dr. Al-Karbalai was honored by the University Rector in recognition of his valuable and ongoing efforts in documenting historical landmarks.

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