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A  Thesis on the Evaluation of the Performance Teaching Staff in Department of History Based on Australian Professional Standards (NESA) has been discussed

A  thesis titled “Evaluating the Performance of the Teaching Staff in the Department of History Based on Australian Professional Standards (NESA) from the Perspective of Students at Universities of the Middle Euphrates” has been discussed in the History Department at the College of Education for the Humanities / University of Kerbala. The thesis was conducted by Safaa Nasser Hussein and supervised by Prof. Dr. Sadiq Obeis Al-Shafi’i.

The aim of the thesis was to identify the level of performance of the teaching staff in the Department of History in Colleges of Education for Humanities in light of NESA standards from the perspective of students at universities in the Middle Euphrates region. Additionally, the thesis sought to highlight the differences in the responses of the research sample regarding the performance of the History Department teaching staff in light of the NESA standards based on variables such as gender, academic level, and university.

The researcher has found that the performance evaluation process aids in continuous self-development, helping to keep pace with scientific advancements and innovations. Moreover, Colleges of Education serve as the primary source for preparing future teachers, and improving these colleges contributes to the advancement of teaching professions. The researcher also emphasized that the performance evaluation process requires specific tools, and that the experiences of other countries and the results of scientific research have provided many tools and standards for performance evaluation that can be relied upon to achieve quality in higher education.

The discussion committee consisted of:

   Prof. Dr. Saad Jwaeid Kazim (Chair)

   Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hashim Mohammed (Member)

  Assist. Prof. Dr. Salah Majeed Kazim (Member) 

   Prof. Dr. Sadiq Obeis Al-Shafi’i (Member and Supervisor)

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