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The Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Meets with Graduate Students

The respected Dean of the College of Education for Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Saeedi, met with graduate students (PhD students), in the presence of the Dean’s Assistant for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. MuayyadOmran Jiad.

In his remarks, the Dean emphasized that the College of Education for the Humanities is one of the important and pivotal colleges at the University of Karbala, which maintains scientific rigor and has the best teaching staff in their respective fields. He encouraged graduate students to be influential leaders in their communities and the environment in which they live.

He explained that the strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the University of Karbala and the college is to link theses and dissertations with the labour market, addressing societal issues or challenges that arise during the practice of the specialization, researching these problems, and finding appropriate solutions to address them.

The Dean further added that there are specific regulations and guidelines for graduate students that they must be aware of, as ignorance of these rules may lead to unintended mistakes, which could result in dismissal or suspension. He also emphasized that the college has a sound scientific vision derived from its strategic plan, which aligns with the plan of the university, and its outcomes have led to progress and advancement. He stressed the importance of publishing academic articles on the college’s website by all graduate students.

For his part, the Dean’s Assistant for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muayyad Omran, outlined several guidelines related to graduate students, including the required study duration and the need to adhere to legal deadlines and regulations, particularly for PhD students.

At the end of the meeting, the Dean listened to a number of inquiries and challenges faced by graduate students, confirming that the college is always striving to remove obstacles and address their issues and requirements in order to find effective solutions that benefit the scientific and research movement at the college.

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