As part of the distinguished efforts of the staff members at the College of Education for the Humanities to publish scientific research and expand knowledge by adding new insights, Dr Marwa Radhy Al-Asadi, a staffmember in the Department of History, published a research article titled “Topics on Women’s Empowerment in Iraqi Websites” in the Ivy Lee Journal of Public Relations, a peer-reviewed scientific journal recognised for academic promotions and evaluations.
The research aimed to explore the journalistic content used to address women’s issues published on the website of Al-Sabah newspaper, identifying key journalistic genres, and shedding light on the main obstacles hindering women’s empowerment.
The researcher reached several conclusions, the most notable being that the topics of women’s empowerment (cultural, social, legal, economic, and media-related) were the most prominent journalistic topics addressing women’s empowerment issues on the Al-Sabahnewspaper website.