The College of Education for the Humanities Hosts a Scientific Seminar on the Ethical and Social Values in Imam Ali’s (PBUH) Thought

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, the college organised a scientific seminar on the ethical and social values in the Philosophy of Imam Ali (PBUH). Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Azirjawi, Head of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, delivered the seminar.

The seminar aimed to promote collaboration and understanding among individuals based on moral principles, as emphasised in Imam Ali’s ethical philosophy, to foster relationships founded on trust and respect. This contributes to creating a stable environment and enhancing social cohesion.Attended by a distinguished group of staff members, the seminar covered several key topics highlighting the ethical applications of Imam Ali’s thought among which are the importance of moderation and balance in social and moral interactions, as wellas an emphasis on social justice in his teachings, demonstrated through practical applications from his life and interactions with society.