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Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Honours the Staff of Media and Government Communication Division

In a gracious recognition reflecting a spirit of collaboration and appreciation, the esteemed Dean of the College of Education forthe Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, honoured the staff of Media and Government Communication Division. This recognition…

Meeting of the Committees for the Awareness Festival on the Crimes of Al-Ba’ath Party

In alignment with the commitment of Iraqi universities and educational institutions to preserving collective memory, members of the committees for the Awareness Festival on the Crimes of Al-Ba’ath Party held a…

Engineering Staff at the College of Education for theHumanities Commence Road Paving in Collaboration with the Kerbala Provincial Council

Under the direct supervision of the respected Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, the engineering staff at the college, in collaboration with the Kerbala Provincial Council, began paving the…

Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities Honours Prof. Dr. Sadiq Al-Shafi’i

As part of recognizing and appreciating exceptional and outstanding contributions, the esteemed Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Sa’eedi, honoured the respected Prof. Dr. Sadiq Obais Al-Shafi’i, in acknowledgment of his valuable efforts, high sense of…

The Department of English is holding a meeting with the professors of graduate studies 

In preparation for the scientific conference for graduate studies at the college and under the guidance of the esteemed Dean of the College of Education for the Humanities, Prof. Dr. Hadi Al-Saeedi,…

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