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The Director of the Media and Government Communication Section at the College of Education for the Humanities at University of Kerbala is a Member in a Committee for Discussing a Dissertation at Al-Mustansiriya University

As part of the external scientific activities and events for the instructors and  teaching staff of the College of Education for the Humanities at Kerbala University, the Director of the Media and Government Communication Section and the teaching staff in the Department of Arabic Language, Prof. Dr. Oday Al-Jarrah, participated in the scientific committee to discuss the dissertation of the student Zainab Kazim Jassim at the Department of Arabic Language, College of Basic Education, Al-Mustansiriya University. Her dissertation was titled “The Impact of the Brown and Idoe Models on the Achievement of Andalusian Literature and Creative Thinking Skills in the Students of the Arabic Language Departments in Colleges of Basic Education.”

The dissertation was approved by the discussion committee, and the Dean of the College congratulates this success, wishing for further brilliance and scientific creativity.

It is worth noting that the student is an instructor in the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the College of Education for the Humanities, University of Kerbala.

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